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Box 27 missing for T5


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Box 27 is missing from the T5 form in UFile 2022.  This box is important as it indicates the currency code for the slip.  By missing it in the app a user may not realize that an exchange rate must be added to the slip if the original slip is in a foreign currency.  

The form in the app has in the heading "Enter all amounts in Canadian dollars." but this is not true of the original slips as they can be issued in other currencies. The form does have a field for entering an exchange rate.

Users should be careful when checking values in any T5 downloaded from the CRA site as the currency code will not be indicated in the downloaded information.



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  • 1 year later...

One year later, this is still a problem in Ufile 2023. The T5 slip is downloaded from CRA and, if box 27 on the T5 indicates that all the amounts are in another currency such as USD, the USD amounts are just accepted as Canadian dollar amounts by Ufile. There is no warning within Ufile and Box 27 doesn't even appear within the software.

To avoid misreporting income, users need to separately check the T5 for a box 27. Foreign currency amounts on a T5 need to be multiplied by the Bank of Canada annualized exchange rate for that currency. Those exchange rates are available here: https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/annual-average-exchange-rates/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still a problem in both Ufile and turbotax - https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/investments-rentals/discussion/box-27-on-t5-indicate-usd-do-i-enter-that-under-source-country-of-foreign-income-there-is-no-box-27/00/903048

Perhaps a financial institution or CRA problem?

My paper T5 does NOT show a box 27, and when I look at the same T5 on CRA my account, it shows CAD in box 27.

BUT the statement accompanying the T5 from financial institution shows the source as USD.

A confusing mess?

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Hello Dave99,

Please contact the issuer of the T5 - we do not know what they transmitted to the CRA.

Note you do not enter Box 27 in UFile nor is it transmitted back to the CRA, only the FX rate if applicable.

T5 :


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