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How can I force Ufile to use my spouse (high income one) to claim medical expense?


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I have calculated the difference and my spouse marginal tax rate is 48% and we have over 20K medical expense. using $2479 is actually beneficial in our case.

Is there anyone know how to force to use higher income family member for medical expense? 

Thanks in advance!

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You can choose under the medical expenses dialogue in the Interview section. In my case, there was a 3$ dollar benefit if forced to the higher income earner. This is unusual and could be due to the optimizer working with pension fractionation, charitable donations and medical expenses simultaneously.

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Thank you very much. I just tried it. you are right, the software did chose the best for our case. If I force to claim medical expense by spouse actually the refund is $100 less otherwise. So I kept the claim after all. But this is good to know.


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