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Your CPP or QPP (Canada or Quebec Pension Plan) contributions exceed your pensionable earnings.


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Ufile is not allowing me to net file re two messages:  

1. Your CPP or QPP contributions exceed your pensionable earnings and;

2. An RL-1 amount has been entered but the associated province of employment is not Quebec

I am a federal employee working in Ontario and living in Quebec.  I get a T4 and an RL-1.  The RL-1 has only 2 boxes (A and J) - same amount:  income related to my private health care plan.  No other entries.  I have selected Income T4 earned outside Quebec with all the CPP information entered all the information in the correct boxes and the Income earned in Quebec RL-1 with only the Quebec income information in the correct boxes.  Why is Ufile still preventing me from Netfiling?  

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Hello SEL,

1. Your CPP or QPP contributions exceed your pensionable earnings

>>Check the T4/RL1 1 and verify the amounts in box 17 or 26.  The amount in box 17 should not exceed the amount in box 26.
Also check if you don’t have two T4’s and one RL 1 (some employers do this)

2. An RL-1 amount has been entered but the associated province of employment is not Quebec


If you worked in Quebec in the current taxation year but resided in another province (e. g. in Ontario), you should have received two tax slips: a Federal T4 slip and a Quebec RL-1 slip.

In order to enter the information found on these slips using the program, please follow these steps:

1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", click on the line "T4 and employment income" and, on the screen located on the right-hand side, first select "T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions" or ?T4 income earned in Quebec with CPP contributions? depending on your situation

2. Enter the information from the T4 and the RL-1 slip and, from the drop-down     menu of Box 10, select the province of employment;

3. If you have an amount in Box J of the RL-1, ignore this amount as it is a taxable benefit that can be claimed as a medical expense in Quebec only, while for residents of other provinces/territories this amount cannot be claimed as a medical expense because the premium has been paid by the employer;

4. Return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Ontario tax and credits" (or from any other province of residence as appropriate) and enter the required information, if applicable.

By clicking on the "Reviews" tab, you'll notice on line 43700 of the federal return that the amount of total income tax deducted corresponds to the Box 22 of the T4 and Box E of the RL-1 slip. Furthermore, in the "Review" tab, you may see the following "Warning": "The pensionable earnings entered for a T4 exceed the amount of T4 income". Please ignore this warning.

The program will generate the Form RC381 pertaining to the inter-provincial calculation of the CPP and QPP contributions and overpayments.

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Hello SEL,

I understand your situation as being the following,
 - resident in Quebec
 - working in Ontario
You have received,
 - a T4 Ontario
 - a RL-1 with Boxes A and J

The RL-1 relates to your employer's provided health insurance which is a taxable benefit in Quebec.
The amount of Box J is eligible as Medical expense and treated as such by the program.

Data entry

1) the T4 Ontario
Use a T4 income earned outside Quebec

2) the RL-1
Use a T4 and RL-1 income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions
(For some stupid reason I can no longer paste an image of the page)
All boxes blank, except as follows
 - Employer's name - your employer
 - Box A - as on the RL-1
 - Box 56 - 0.00
 - Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) - exempt CPP/QPP (rare)
 - Box J - as on the RL-1

Ignore any Warning pertaining to past employment

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