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Releve 8 Box A

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Hello Francine Hebert,

Rl-8 Amount for post-secondary studies Box A and Box B

RL-8 Slip: Amount for post-secondary studies = CRA T2202 – Tuition and Enrolment Certificate

Box A Amount for post-secondary studies, determined on the basis of the number of terms that you started in the year and completed. If you were 18 or older at some point during the year, enter this amount on line 4 of Schedule S of your income tax return.

Box B Tuition or examination fees, including compulsory fees paid for education purposes. These fees give entitlement to a

non-refundable tax credit at a rate of 8%. See the instructions for line 398 in the guide to the in-come tax return.


RL-8 box A - Amount for post-secondary studies

One semester ($3,101 in 2022) A


Two semesters ($6,202)

 T2202 Eligible tuition fees paid to Canadian educational institutions for 2022

(Enter description in first field, amount in the $ field.)

Description   [26]  $101    [B]    RL-8  Box B  $102  < - - IF SAME ENTER in Box 26 IF DIFFERENT (rare) clock the maple-leaf and enter the different amount from Box 26

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