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Netfile Refile accepted by CRA then they deleted it???

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So I refiled my 2020 in April of 2023, uploaded confirmed even showed it in MyCRA.  Calleda after 8 weeks told to give it more time, call back June 24th (which is a weekend)

Call back, it's no gone from MyCRA and they claim I never uploaded it nor is there any proof of it online???  Worse this is a refile as a result of an employer complaint where CRA sent me the findings (as per what I said) and they lost that too???

Now refile is closed, so how can I prove it was uploaded beyond my screenshots and confirmation # for which CRA claims is not acceptable to them?

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1 hour ago, Geo123 said:

Hello FrustratedinAB,

The ReFile confirmation number is issued by the CRA and can be found on the NetFIle tab (Tab 5)

Filing status
Federal submission
Federal T1135 submission
Acknowledgment report <----HERE

Thanks Geo123, I have quoted that but they say it was was never done; again also have the screen shot from MyCRA showing it was received/pending. Their claim it was never done. The refile is a result of an employer complaint that I got a response in my favour in writing, but the auditor failed for file the item...look I am a CPA and this is the 2nd dumbest thing I have seen from CRA.

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