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Schedule 2 Transfer Error


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When calculating my 2021 tax information I have encountered a problem with UFile transferring unused credits from my spouse. I am using Version 25.22 of UFile.

If my spouses taxable income is greater than the basic personal amount by any amount (large or small) then no transfer of credits is allowed by UFile.

According to Schedule 2 this is incorrect.

Until my spouses taxable income is equal or greater than the total of all allowable credits then the balance should be transferred to line 326000 to the T1 general tax form.

I have not found any setting I can change to alter this.

Any help appreciated.


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Ran some more tests on this issue and found that if I gave the spouse  a disability then Ufile would transfer all the spouses unused credits (age and disability) to me, If it is just age credit then it will not transfer credits.

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