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Reporting income as non resident working from USA 2023 for a canadian company


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We are Canadians, who relocated to the USA on Jan 1, 2023. How we should report the income tax as non-resident or emigrant.

I continue to work for a Canadian employer remotely and receive a Canadian salary and T4, how do I report my Salary, also how do I report a self-employed income in the USA?

Also, my wife has a full-time job in the USA and got the W2 income for 2023, also got the T4 for the January salary in Canada.

Which options do we need to select to enter the income and the taxes paid in USA.

THank you

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Hello CarmenM65,

You do not indicate if the move was temporary or permanent.  You should also consider the following

    a) In which foreign country was the employment income earned
    b) If the foreign country was the USA did the person have a Green Card or US Citizenship
    c) Did the person maintain residential ties to Canada while abroad (maintained a habitual abode in Canada, driver’s license, provincial medical insurance, Canadian bank account etc)
    d) How many days did they remain abroad? 
    e) Did they file an income tax return in the foreign country

You should consider the above and check with the CRA to establish your status.  You can then contact us so we may guide you how to proceed ie type of Non Resident or emigrant.

Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially with the above notes and clarification.
Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us


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The move at this time looks permanent, we will live here a few years, we will establish here we can not say if we will go back and when.
    a) In which foreign country was the employment income earned
  • My case: My income is in Canada, the payroll is from a Canadian company, I am self-employed income is in the USA around.
  • My wife: Salary from a USA company 10 months March to Dec, Canada Salary from a Canadian company 2 months Jan to Feb.
    b) If the foreign country was the USA did the person have a Green Card or US Citizenship
  • Yes we come with L1-A Visa and we got our green card.
    c) Did the person maintain residential ties to Canada while abroad (maintained a habitual abode in Canada, driver’s license, provincial medical insurance, Canadian bank account etc)
  • We just have an apartment that we renting for already many years.
  • We do not have an apartment or house in Canada that we can go to.
    d) How many days did they remain abroad?
  •  We remain in the USA all the year 2023, just visiting for 2 to 4 weeks in total.
    e) Did they file an income tax return in the foreign country
  • We are asking these questions for that reason, yes we preparing to submit an income tax return in the USA
    • My case: I will report the self-employed income in the USA income tax return.
    • My wife; will report the salary from March to Dec in the USA income tax return as she got a W2.

The CRA guide me that i am a non-resident for tax and emigrant.

Ufile support this type of submission? and if yes, can we get some guidance on which options to select.


THank you

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Hello CarmenM65,

It would appear that you have emigrated, please confirm with CRA.  In addition, given that you must also complete US (IRS) tax filings, based on the US Green Card, I recommend you consult with a tax advisor.

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