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Parent Died in 2023


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My mother-in-law passed away in 2023.  I do not see where I can mark her tax return as deceased in Ufile 2023.

In Ufile, I marked my father-in-law as Widowed in the Identification section Marital Status and selected Change for marital status in 2023.  This adds another screen called Marital Status Change where I chose Taxpayer became widowed and the date.

For my mother-in-law's information, there is no data to be entered in the Identification screen to indicate she is deceased.  In the Marital status change screen for my mother-in-law, there is no appropriate choice to indicate she is deceased.

I cannot find how to mark my mother-in-law as deceased.

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Hello VLB

If you are the designated family head and your spouse has passed away in the tax year, you must account for this by filing a final return for the deceased spouse. To do so, please follow the steps below for your file:
1- First, in the Family Head (FH) "Identification" section of the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", choose "Widowed" to the question "Marital status on December 31, 2023", and for the question "Did your marital status change in 2023?" select "Change".
2- Enter the relevant information in the Current address, CRA questions, Revenu Quebec questions, Quebec prescription drug insurance plan and Solidarity tax credit.
3- Back in the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Marital status change".
4- On the page to the right, for the question "Change in your marital status in 2023", select "Taxpayer became widowed" in the drop-down menu and enter the date of change.
5- Subsequently, enter the information required to complete your tax returns.
6- Under "Senior home support", choose the appropriate option (s) from the screen to your right  (If applicable)

Then, in the spouse (SP) deceased person's file, follow these specific steps:
1- On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Interview setup".
2- On the screen that appears to the right, check the box for "Tax return for a deceased person" and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page.
3- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Deceased".
4- Fill out the new page that appears to your right according to the information that you have for the deceased spouse and choose the "Final return" option.
5- Subsequently, enter the information required to complete your spouse's tax returns.
The program will generate schedule J of Quebec in the file of the head of the family for the home support of the seniors.
NOTE: If your spouse or estate has received a RC249 slip, be sure to enter the information under "Post-death decline in the value" topic.
For Quebec residents, we recommend that the surviving spouse claim the QDIP (Quebec Drug Insurance Plan) premium. Nevertheless, this remains the individual's decision.
NOTE - You cannot NETFILE the tax return of a deceased individual, as per CRA rules.  You must print and mail it.

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