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Ufile submitted wrong information different from tax return


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Last tax year 2022, ufile tax return information was not picked up by CRA properly and possibly was showing me the wrong info on the tax return, meaning reported $1 as RRSP income, even though showed the amount I inputted of $56,000 and change. I was re-assessed and now I owe $750. All my CCB will also be adjusted and clawed back.

Any defects like this reported by anyone for 2022 tax year?

Thinking of using a different tax prep in parallel this year just to make sure 2023 is calculated properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just put a ticket in. I now see in the Interview screen all the fields are blanked out, which partly explains why efile sent blanks... but both the Review and Tax Returns still show my inputted values. This is clearly a defect. Maybe others will check their CRA mail or not in the coming months from all the re-assessments coming their way.

I guess before I submit efile this year, I will make sure all 3 screens show the same info especially the Interview input screen.

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