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CRA Autofill update


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I have downloaded my tax information from CRA. I realize that my T4s are missing as they were not filed yet by my employer (CRA deadline for filing is Feb 29). Can I try to use autofill again? Will UFile only update my T4 records or will I end up with double entries everywhere?

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Hello DHHJ,

You can download again without duplication, providing the T4's are in the exact same header from the Employer, so please verify the results.  Of note the deadline for filing T1 is April 30, 2024 OR if self-employed June 15.


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Hello, I have used autofill for my spouse's information and then I accidentally removed her.  When I re-add her as spouse and try to autofill again, I don't get any data back.  Is there a way to reset the autofill so I get the data back?

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