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solidarity & gst credit

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Hello horseshoe,

Eligibility for the Solidarity Tax Credit

You must be 18 years of age or older and a resident of Quebec. If you have a child or a spouse, you may be eligible even if you are younger than 18 years old. You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or the holder of a temporary resident permit.



GST/HST credit – Eligibility

You are generally eligible for the GST/HST credit if you are:

    At least 19 years old

    If you are under 19 years old, you must meet at least one of the following conditions during the same period:
        you have (or had) a spouse or common-law partner
        you are (or were) a parent and live (or lived) with your child

    A Canadian resident for income tax purposes during:

        The month before the CRA makes a payment

        At the beginning of the month the CRA makes a payment

CRA normally makes GST/HST credit payments in July, October, January, and April.


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