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Netfile Rejected Result 94


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Hello TJS,


The Canada Revenue Agency was unable to process your return at this time. The 
NETFILE transmission service may be closed for scheduled maintenance. Please try 
again later and if the issue persists, contact us. 
contact us. 

Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281




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I have something similar.  UFile Premium messed up the filing...got it's wires crossed. 

The situation: I have me and my spouse's tax return to file. We can file electronically using NETFILE. 

I had my spouse selected across the top menu, and then clicked "File my return now" button for myself, but my spouses submitted.  I had to click on my name across the top, then click the "File my return now" button. Then it worked for me.

Good luck,



UFile Premium Product Management:
As a user, when I click the "File my return now" button next to my name, regardless of if my name or my spouse's name is selected across the top, I expect the button next to the name to take precedence of the filing intention, not the name across the top. 


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