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I got wrong information to submit!


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I tried to calculate tax return amount before I apply tax retun by uflie

It is my first time to use it and I didn't put all my information yet and go click on 3 review then 4 tax return.

it pop up to confirm sin nunmber and name and I confirm it.

after that some pdf file show me but it was totally wrong so I didn't go 5 nexfile.


do you think I submit tex return?

I checked my cra account after 30min and 2023 tax didn't recive yet! but I still worry about if it go though...


I am so panic :(...

if tex return goes though, what happend on my computer? is there pop up appoved it or success something like that?

I didn't anything like signature on pdf file on setep 4



Thank you for reading...



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Hello pinky,

The software allows you to prepare the tax returns in the format asked by the CRA or Revenu Québec. In the 'NETFILE' tab, it allows you to send the tax return electronically (if eligible).
Did you receive confirmation numbers after filing for each member of the family for both returns (federal and Quebec)? If yes, the tax returns were sent successfully to the CRA and Revenu Quebec. If you received the confirmation numbers, you can find them in the section "Federal submission" from the NETFILE tab - federal return, and in the section "Quebec submission"  for the provincial return. . 

IMPORTANT!  The confirmation number for the purchase of the software is not the same as the confirmation number given by the CRA after the NETFILE transmission. 
Please also note that the confirmation number is given by the government, not by UFile.
You can verify the status of your tax return by phone (1-800-267-6999, 1-800 959-8281) or on CRA website, in "My account".

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