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Form T1135 (Foreign Income verification statement)

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I want to know Credit card issued by Foreign bank need to be reported in Form 1135 and if yes, under what category?

In short is Credit Card ( Like bank accounts) in Foreign banks is Specified Foreign Property


Per CRA website

Specified foreign property  ( that must be included in Form T1135) is defined in subsection 233.3(1) of the Income Tax Act and includes:

  • funds or intangible property (patents, copyrights, etc.) situated, deposited or held outside Canada
  • tangible property situated outside Canada
  • a share of the capital stock of a non-resident corporation
  • shares of corporations resident in Canada held outside Canada
  • an interest in a non-resident trust that was acquired for consideration
  • an interest in a partnership that holds a specified foreign property unless the partnership is required to file Form T1135
  • a property that is convertible into, exchangeable for, or confers a right to acquire a property that is specified foreign property
  • a debt owed by a non-resident, including government and corporate bonds, debentures, mortgages, and notes receivable
  • an interest in a foreign insurance policy
  • precious metals, gold certificates, and futures contracts held outside Canada.
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Hello Khadi1993,

Please Contact the CRA

1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals.

 Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times:





  • a debt owed by a non-resident, including government and corporate bonds, debentures, mortgages, and notes receivable < = = Refers to debt owed to you


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