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I am getting this error message that CRA's electronic submission will open on Feb 19, 2024 but it is April 13, 2024?

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I get the message "that CRA's electronic submission service will open on February 19, 2024" but it is now April 13?? This is an electronic filing error so cannot netfile.

My current UFile version is 27.01 Ser/:108436 and I have checked for updates a few times now.

let me know if you additional information to resolve this issue.

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Hello James778,

Glad to her it. 

Update UFile AND also [Check for updates]     [x] Check for updates automatically



*Settings (upper right hand corner)

Tax return counter...

Check for updates...    < = = HERE


EFILE-NetFiIe setup

RRSP Calculator

Retirement Planner



>> [Check for updates]     [x] Check for updates automatically


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I am having the same NETFILE filing date message problem.  Whenever I submit an update request I am told that I have the latest version 27.01 292741.  When I go to the UFILE website for Windows 10 and download the "exe" for version 20 I have been selecting the repair option resulting in the error message # 1612 .  Instead should I be deleting my current version and reloading this 27.20 version?

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If you already have UFile 2023 you do not need to reinstall from the site, you should update as per above instructions.


For error code '1612' from the installer

RE : An error occurred installing the package. Windows Installer returned '1612'.



Code 1612 means you have it already installed.   Remove all of them and then re-install, go to control panel / uninstall ...then download again  (do not click Repair)






Thank you for contacting UFile Support.

The error 1612 can appear if you try to install the software, but it is already installed.

B. If you bought only one software UFile, please remove and reinstall it.

 To remove UFile for Windows follow these instructions:

 1. Go to "Start".

2. Go to "Settings".

3. Select "Control Panel".

4. In the "Control Panel", select "Programs and Features".

5. Locate UFile 20xx and click "Remove".

6. Locate UFile Updater 20xx and click "Remove".


xx = the last two digits of the tax year



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I did a delete and reload in order to update to Windows version .20 and I was able to NETFILE my taxes.  I have been using UFILE for more than 10 years and have never had this ongoing problem with the UPDATE function.  After the initial download it did not work so I had reload from the website.  On subsequent use of CHECK FOR UPDATES function the message is I have the latest version but I did not. 

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