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After having entered my Netfile access number (probably irrelevant), I reached the "Download my information" page. After checking the "I have read the terms and conditions..." box, I clicked on "Download". A brief message appeared informing me that the download may take several minutes. After that message disappeared "loading..." appears in roughly the middle of the screen, overlaying greyed-out text. Above that message is a rolling series of bars (overlaying perhaps five words) presumably signifying that downloading is in progress. Last night (Saturday) I logged off after about two hours of waiting for the download to complete. Today I tried again, and gave up after another couple of hours.

It is as though CRA's servers are overloaded. I'm also thinking that those servers may be unattended on the weekend, so I'll try again tomorrow (Monday).

Does anyone here know what's causing the problem or if there is anything I can do within UFile to rectify it?

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