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Downloading CRA Slips

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Hello RTdown,

If slips are duplicated from the CRA download then check with the issuer of the slip(s), UFile has no way of knowing if the slip(s) is a duplicate.  It is highly recommended that you check the download.

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Thanks  for the response.


I'm sorry my question was wrong. what i did was download the slips once and then downloaded the slips a second time sometime later to ensure that none had been added in the meantime. It was then that I noticed the duplicate slips. I was under the impression that the program would wipe the old CRA information before downloading again and in fact some of the information like CPP and OAS was not duplicated. 

Was I wrong in assuming that the program would wipe the previously downloaded CRA information  before downloading the latest CRA data or is it necessary to do this manually? 

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Just before the download begins, you are prompted to remove any check marked items to be downloaded. This is where you can specify newer slips only. Otherwise, Ufile will always increment the slips.

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