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Is Ufile slow today (April 28th 2024)


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Excruciatingly slow to the point of being unusable.
It takes half a minute to several minutes to process a click.

This is unacceptable at the crux of Tax season.

Checking the competition.

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Sorry to hear you are experiencing lag / slowness.   We are experiencing extremely high server traffic right now, certain areas, and some users may be effected.  I have alerted the IT / DEV team.   Please try again.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  

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9 minutes ago, Anda said:

Thanks for the update. Is there a temporary workaround? I tried going in an incognito mode and then tried Firefox as browser but still experiencing the same issue.

It's a them problem, not a you problem. Nothing you can do until they pay for more server capacity or address whatever database queries are causing the lag.

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6 minutes ago, Geo123 said:


Please try later or at off-peak periods.

Please use the money we pay you to ensure adequate capacity during on-peak periods.

You provide a paid-for service, people should not plan their schedules around your decision to cut corners.

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19 minutes ago, Geo123 said:


Please try later or at off-peak periods.

Doesn't work for me. If I don't get this done by 6PM tonight, I can't work on this until April 30th after 9PM, and I imagine that will be even worse.

Probably the last year I will be using Ufile, and I've been using this for many years.

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not just slow the error code ""nullable object must have a value"" and  ""attempted to perform an unauthorized operation"" messages then not able to cancel the message and all data entered is lost 

save and close is the only option 


Screenshot 2024-04-30 114425.png

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Hello rikk,

1.) Close the UFile session by exiting the UFile page ie close the browser and login back in.  The data should not be lost and all entries should be restored (except the last interview page).  It may be due to a split second disconnect of the  DBase to web server interface page and can be caused by network latency, internet disruptions or other internet issues.  

2.) Check Firewall / Antivirus settings

3.) Also reported when a user is behind a PROXY or other Web service which changes the users IP address during the session in UFILE. Eg. Using a corporate network. Try on a connection outside a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

4.) Clear the cache.

5.) Switch browsers.  Eg. From Chrome to EDGE

6.) Check for browser extensions eg. Crypto wallet / Cisco Webex

>>Chrome >> Settings >> Manage extensions.

7.) Reboot the modem to change the IP address.

7.) Try to open your account from a different location ie different IP address: home or office (if the modem reboot did not change the IP address).

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I'm getting the same error.  It has been working fine until I add my T4 and then it's really slow and keep getting this error "nullable object must have a value".  once I delete the T4 it works fine until I put it back in.

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Hello Christiaan,

Servers reported all functional.

RE : Nullable Object Error

1.) Close the UFile session by exiting the UFile page ie close the browser and login back in.  The data should not be lost and all entries should be restored (except the last interview page).  It may be due to a split second disconnect of the  DBase to web server interface page and can be caused by network latency, internet disruptions or other internet issues.  

2.) Check Firewall / Antivirus settings

3.) Also reported when a user is behind a PROXY or other Web service which changes the users IP address during the session in UFILE. Eg. Using a corporate network. Try on a connection outside a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

4.) Clear the cache.

5.) Switch browsers.  Eg. From Chrome to EDGE

6.) Check for browser extensions eg. Crypto wallet / Cisco Webex

>>Chrome >> Settings >> Manage extensions.

7.) Reboot the modem to change the IP address.

7.) Try to open your account from a different location ie different IP address: home or office (if the modem reboot did not change the IP address).

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7 hours ago, Geo123 said:

7.) Reboot the modem to change the IP address.

The only time I got a new IP address in the past decade or so is when I switched providers.

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