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Rejected - Check the date on line 5 in Part A of Schedule A

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Attempted to file my taxes but it was rejected, again (since last night). Not sure why. I checked the Birth Dates of my children and all look good now.

Q1) Noticed the following: Why is the error message showing yesterday's date of April 30 (it is now May 1)?

Q2) Wondering if the error has to do with something else that I did incorrectly? What could it be? I have multiple children. Also, UFile is not stating which child is having this issue.  

Q3) Not sure where is "line 5 in Part A of Schedule A"?





April 30, 2024 9:41 PM
Please read the error message(s) below. Make the necessary corrections and retransmit your return. Check the date on line 5 in Part A of Schedule A. The date of birth of the child under 18 enrolled in post-secondary studies must be after December 31, 2005. (T3C0A05T)For more information, contact the NetFile Québec assistance (T3Z00004) I



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