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Carry forward UFile tax file from 2018 to 2019


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UFile for Windows

I have self-employment and/or rental income from 2018 and I carried forward my UFile tax file from 2018 to 2019 using version 23.01 of the software. Is there anything I need to do?

If you are a business owner and/or have rental property and you attempted to carry-forward your 2018 UFile file to 2019 with the first version of the software (version 23.01*), you will notice that important information was not carried over from 2018 to 2019 for your business or rental property. The information in the Identification section, Motor vehicle expenses, Partners and CCA, and other items may be missing. * Note that version 23.03 was released on January 13 and did not have this issue.

It is recommended to follow the steps below and redo the carry-forward of your file from 2018 to 2019 to ensure you have the right opening balances of the undepreciated capital cost for your depreciable property and any other missing carry-forward information:

1- Update your UFile 2019 software if you haven't done so.

2- Carry forward your UFile tax file again from 2018 to 2019.

3- If you have already entered data in your 2019 file, you must enter it again.

Note: Updating the software is not enough to solve the problem. It is necessary to carry forward the file again from 2018 to 2019.

If you have already started your tax return for 2019 and do not want to start the file over again, then make sure to check the missing carry forwards by referring to your 2018 tax file and enter them manually in your 2019 file.

Finally, you also have the option to not modify your tax file and wait until the next software update scheduled for February 6, 2020, before continuing in the file. During the next update, the software will try to identify the missing information and notify you so that you can take action if necessary.



I have self-employment and/or rental income from 2018 and I started my 2019 tax file before January 13, 2020. Is there anything I need to do?

If you started your 2019 tax file before January 13, 2020, you will notice that important information was not carried over from 2018 to 2019 for your business or rental property. The information in the Identification section, Motor vehicle expenses, Partners and CCA, and other items may be missing.

This issue is corrected since January 13, 2020, but the correction applies only to 2019 files created after this date.

For files that were started before January 13, 2020, you have three options:

Option # 1: Do not modify the tax file and wait until the next software update scheduled for February 6, 2020, before continuing in the file. During the next update, the software will try to identify the missing information and notify you so that you can take action, if necessary.

Option # 2: Contact our Support team https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us and they will walk you through the steps to follow in order to rectify your file.

Option # 3: Check the missing carry forwards by referring to your 2018 file and enter them manually in your 2019 file if necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using version 23.08, which is the latest update.  Since I'm not far into my tax file, I delete the 2019 file to start fresh and hoping the latest update will work.  UFile still doesn't carry forward and of my prior year capital losses.  It also doesn't carry forward rental property information.  Will there be a technical solution for this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

self employed business information DID NOT carry forward

U File 12

I loaded disc , checked for updates and THEN started tax return and carry forwarded my 2018 ufile tax file

our personal information ie: name address etc was imported HOWEVER NO OTHER INFORMATION including all farming information for self employed income


I emailed and called the 514-315-3699 telephone number listed for support.  No response as it appears they only offer support weekdays 9-5


any suggestions to import this info






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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem.  I am using Ufile 23.21.  The rental property and business information was not carried over from 2018 to 2019.  This was not not the case in all the years I have been using Ufile.   I have followed all the steps suggested by others above but nothing works. What a waste of time! What the hell is going on?  Very disappointed!

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After several tries, I am happy to report that I was able to resolve the issue by following these steps:

1. Open the UFile 2018 file.
2. Click on the "Tax Return" tab and save the tax return in PDF format.
3. Save and close the Ufile 2018 file even if you have not made any changes.
4. Open UFile 2019.
6. Import the saved Ufile 2018 file to carry forward to 2019.

Check that all the business and rental information has been carried forward from 2018 to 2019 in step 6.

Though it may seem unimportant and unnecessary, Step 2 (save the pdf file) is actually CRITICAL.  Without this step, the 2018 data will not carry forward.  Hope this is helpful to those who (like me) were very frustrated by this glitch.  I hope Thompson-Reuters will correct the situation next year to save everyone a lot of aggravation.  Stay safe and healthy!

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Re T2, I am trying to bring 2018 year end needed carryforward information to 2019 T2 return to complete but so far only brought forward many blank 2019 T2s.

I get no help from Ufile. Only the standard email they send to bring 2018 forward which is what i did many times and only got no carryforward. And total silence from them otherwise. I am using windows 10 this year. anyone out there that can help.H1

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On 5/21/2020 at 6:50 PM, Dee dido said:

After several tries, I am happy to report that I was able to resolve the issue by following these steps:

1. Open the UFile 2018 file.
2. Click on the "Tax Return" tab and save the tax return in PDF format.
3. Save and close the Ufile 2018 file even if you have not made any changes.
4. Open UFile 2019.
6. Import the saved Ufile 2018 file to carry forward to 2019.

Check that all the business and rental information has been carried forward from 2018 to 2019 in step 6.

Though it may seem unimportant and unnecessary, Step 2 (save the pdf file) is actually CRITICAL.  Without this step, the 2018 data will not carry forward.  Hope this is helpful to those who (like me) were very frustrated by this glitch.  I hope Thompson-Reuters will correct the situation next year to save everyone a lot of aggravation.  Stay safe and healthy!

This was super helpful.  It worked!  Thank you.

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