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Posts posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Camelia,

    You received a T4 slip with an amount in Box 66 and/or Box 67, following a dismissal and/or a retirement in the tax year. In order to account for this situation, please follow these steps:

    1 - In the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", click on "T4 and employment income".
    2 - On the right-hand side of the screen, select one of the first two options, either "T4 and RL-1 income earned in Quebec" or "T4 income (earned in any province except Quebec)" as per your situation, and enter the information found on your T4 slip in the appropriate boxes.
    3 - At the center of the page, you will find the fields to complete for boxes 66 and 67. For "Box 66 - eligible retiring allowances (RL-1 Box O (RJ)" , enter in the field on your right the amount shown in Box 66 of your T4 slip.
    4 - If an amount was transferred directly to an RRSP/PRPP, enter the amount transferred to an RRSP/PRPP in the field "Portion of Box 66 transferred to a RRSP/PRPP".
    5 - However, if this amount was transferred within the first 60 day of 2022, also enter the amount in the section entitled "Portion of Box 66 transferred to an RRSP/PRPP (From the unused RRSP/PRPP contributions of January and February 2022)" .

    6. If an amount is transferred directly to an RPP, enter that amount on the line "Portion of the box 66 transferred to an RPP".
    7 - However, if no portion of the amount in Box 66 was transferred to an RRSP or RPP, either by you or by your employer, leave these two lines blank.
    8 - On line "Box 67 - Non-eligible retiring allowances (RL-1 box O (RJ)", enter the amount shown in Box 67 of your T4 slip.


    Note to residents of Quebec: If the amount in Box O of the RL-1 slip is different from the sum of amounts in Boxes 66 and 67 of the T4 slip, click on the "Maple leaf" icon to the right of the line to generate a field for another jurisdiction and enter the amount in Box O of RL-1

  2. Hello AndHca,

    When you receive your Notice of Assessment you can REFIle with UFile.

    - - > Refile with UFile ONLINE for Tax Year 2021 AND Tax Year 2022

    UFile allows to ReFILE  your 2021 (and 2022 tax return when the tax season opens) .

    Note for the prior tax years you should make the adjustment: T1-ADJ

    1)      If you tax return was successfully submitted, please go to « NetFile  » tab [5].

    Click on "Federal submission" section. On the bottom of the page, click "Re-FILE".

    NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab.

    2)      Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode".

    Follow the instructions form the page.

    NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab.

    Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode".

    3)      Make the appropriate changes to your file.

    **VERY IMPORTANT! ** You cannot update your marital status, address, direct deposit or email address by using the service ReFILE.  If you have split-pension you must mail it in using a T1 - ADJ. 

    4)      Click "Review" tab, then click "NETFILE" tab.

    Tick the box "I agree with the ReFILE Terms and Conditions and Private Notice".

    Click "ReFILE my return now!".

    -àFor Revenu Quebec same process applies but for Revenu Quebec ReFile

    Note that cannot refile with Quebec until you have received your assessment

  3. Hello Ninon Grand-Landau,

    If you are getting a reject from Revenu Québec regarding an invalid telephone number, please follow the steps below:

    Go to your spouse's "Interview" section.

    On the "Spouse Identification" page, answer "Yes but different phone number" to the question “Do you have the same address as your spouse?”

    Click "Next" at the bottom of the page.

    Enter your phone number in the "At home" field. Leave the other fields blank.


    Then try to submit your tax return  again.


  4. Hello Haoming,

    (1.) T4A - T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity and other income Box 048

    Go about half way down the page to >>Fees for services (report this amount as a T2125 - Business or Professional income) 048 QC


    (2) T2125 – Business Income

    You must also enter corresponding entry in T2125 >> Self-Employment Income:

    T2125 - Business income OR T2125P - Professional income OR T2125C - Commission income


    *Complete T2125 - Business identification

    Name / Address / Fiscal Year (usually Jan 1 – Dec 31)

    *Enter in Income/Expenses:

    Business income: 

    Fees for services (T4A Box 048) (Enter the total if you have more than one amount)

    Enter any applicable expenses associated with this T4A Box 48


    **do not enter in Gross sales, commissions or fees**


    ***Note For QC RL-1: Rl-1 Box G = RZ-RD Fees for services rendered ---> Same as Box 048

    (3.) Also please verify that you did not mistakenly create another (duplicate) T2125

  5. Hello Ellie'sAsking,

    Ontario residents can claim 20% of their eligible 2022 accommodation expenses, for example, for a stay at a hotel, cottage or campground, when filing their personal Income Tax and Benefit Return for 2022. You can claim eligible expenses of up to $1,000 as an individual or $2,000 if you have a spouse, common-law partner or eligible children, to get back up to $200 as an individual or $400

    ·         You are eligible to claim the credit if you are an Ontario resident on December 31, 2022.

    ·         Only one individual per family can claim the credit for the year. Your claim can include the eligible expenses of your spouse or common-law partner and your eligible children.

    ·         An eligible child is not entitled to claim the credit.

    ·         If you do not have a spouse or common-law partner, or eligible child, you can claim your own eligible expenses for the credit.

    For more information on this topic please click on this link:


    To claim this credit, please follow the steps below:

    1.In the left side column of the “Interview” section, click on the page “Interview setup”.

    2.On the “Interview setup” page, scroll down to the section on “Other topics” .

    3.In the “Other topics” section, place a check mark next to “Other deductions and credits (including school supply and home buyers’ amount)”

    4.Then, click on the little blue circle with the white arrow (which jumps directly to the “Other deductions and credits” page).

    5.Or you can click “Next” at the bottom of the page and then return to the left side column to click on the “Other deductions and credits” page.

    6.On the “Other deductions and credits” page select ON479 line 63052 -Ontario staycation tax credit by clicking on the little plus sign beside the title.

    7.Complete the page according to your information.

    8. Note: the HST number of the facility can be located on your invoice. The HST number must be in the format accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) example: 123456789RT0001.

    To see the calculation detail please refer to Schedule ON Provincial worksheet  Worksheet ON428 and ON479”.  This also appears on “ON 479 – Ontario Credits p1”  line 63052.


    The refundable credit will appear on your Federal tax return line 47900.

  6. Hello Franny,

    This is correct, you can not remove Family Head.  Please contact UFile Support so we may arrange for a voucher given that you already paid for this account.
    For telephone support, please call: 514-733-8414 or 1-888-633-8414
    An agent can review the issue with you.
    If you prefer, you can also open a request ticket, cut and paste this dialogue, and submit on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us

  7. Hello SomeRealtor,

    Thank you for posting this, you are correct.  Also see detailed instructions below.

    The CRA Web Access Code (WAC) is generated automatically by UFIle T2 on the EFile Tab – not from the CRA.  Before you can get the WAC code all errors must be cleared in the Review section.

    Before you can have the button [GET WAC] (Web Access Code) appear in the E-FILE tab, please complete the section Mailing address of the corporation.

    >>Other addresses

       >>Mailing address of the corporation  < - - - COMPLETE THIS


    As of 2018, the web access code is generated automatically in the EFile  tab via the UFile T2 software and not from the CRA.  Note that the Federal Web Access Code (WAC) is 8 digits.


    To generate the WAC code:

    >>>In the EFile Tab you should see on the screen:




    >>First screen  :


    Filing status for:  My_Corporation_Name


    A corporation's file can be submitted when its applicable status shows "Ready for filing…………

    ….. Please ensure you have completed and reviewed all of your entries prior to filing.


    My_Corporation_Name               - - -> Federal      [~ - >] Ready for filing      < - - - CLICK HERE




    >>Second screen :


    Federal submission for: My_Corporation_Name

    Canadian corporations should file a federal corporate income tax return. If the federal corporate income tax return is not filed electronically, then it may be printed and mailed to the Canada Revenue Agency.


    To proceed with Corporation Internet Filing online transmission, ……………………….

    ………. Or, if filing on behalf of a client, my client has signed Form T183CORP and certified that the attached electronic return is correct, complete, and reports the client's income from all sources.


    Federal Web Access Code (WAC)

    If you do not have a Federal Web Access Code you may automatically retrieve one by clicking the button Get WAC

     [Get WAC]   < - - - CLICK HERE

    Federal Web Access Code (WAC):  [         ]  < - - - CODE WILL APPEAR HERE

  8. Hello MPN,


    Please see below.


    1. Opening balance of the undepreciated capital cost - leave blank

    2. To whom the CCA should be allocated: The property is co-owned by 60%-40% with the spouse, should I choose Partner Level, (Prorated amounts)?  - No leave blank

    Select >> Partners (see below)

    3. ACB of the depreciable capital property in this class: is this the grand total cost of purchase (purchase price+land transfer tax,...) or should it be just the building allocation of this grand total (land % excluded)? 

    Create two CCA entries (1) Building  (2.)  Land (nondepreciating)

    4. Description and amount of capital additions (other than AIIP): As it is the first year and no capital expenses have been incurred, should I use the same value as ABC? if so, where should I put the grand total purchase price for future deposition and capital gain/loss?

    Same as ACB.  UFIle will retain the values in the software at time of disposition and you will include on Schedule 3 - Capital Gains (losses)




    Ownership by spouse

    Use this page if your spouse is a co-owner of this rental property. To use the rental property information in your file to produce a corresponding rental property statement on your spouse's tax return (adjusted by your spouse's percentage share), select Generate rental income statement for spouse below. In this case, do not repeat the information for this rental property in your spouse's file.

    In some cases, such as when there are different expenses at the partner level for your spouse and yourself, the program cannot produce an accurate statement for your spouse based solely on information available in your own file. In this case, select Do not generate rental income statement for spouse. The program will use your spouse's basic identification information to complete the 'partner' identification section on your statement. However, you will need to re-enter the complete rental property information in your spouse's file.

    Percentage share owned by your spouse  Generate rental income statement for spouse  Do not generate rental income statement for spouse 



    Rental income - New acquisition of depreciable property
    To enter new acquisitions of depreciable property, please follow the steps below:

    1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Rental income" option, select the subsection "CCA", and on the screen to your right choose the class applicable to the new acquisition of depreciable property that you have acquired.

    2. On the page pertaining to the classes of the property identify the property at the line "Description of the asset" and enter the date of acquisition.

    3. For the line "To whom the CCA should be allocated", choose the option that corresponds to your situation, from the drop-down menu to your right, usually "Business level (full amounts - 100%)".

    4. For the line "Description and amount of capital additions (other than AIIP): ", enter the purchase cost of the property or the market value of the property you are using for the company`.

    5. For the line "Application of half-year rule to current year additions", choose "Yes".

    6. If the property in question is not subject to the half-year rule, select "No".

    7. However, if you wish to limit your CCA deduction for this property, go to the line "Limit to the CCA of this class" and enter the amount of depreciation you wish to claim. If you do not wish to claim a capital cost allowance, enter $ 0.00.

    The cost of additions of a category already existing will be added to column 3 of Part A.

    The additions will appear on page 3 of Federal Form T776, Parts B or C, as applicable.

    For more information, please consult the CRA website at the following links:





    For Quebec residents, you can consult the Revenu Québec website at the following links:



  9. Hello samuelyoung,


    A superficial loss can occur when you dispose of capital property for a loss and both of the following conditions are met:


        You, or a person affiliated with you, buys, or has a right to buy, the same or identical property (called "substituted property") during the period starting 30 calendar days before the sale and ending 30 calendar days after the sale.

        You, or a person affiliated with you, still owns, or has a right to buy, the substituted property 30 calendar days after the sale.

    Is to prevent the deduction of artificial losses created on paper by people who are not dealing at arm’s length, meaning two people who not fully independent from one another. These are rules you should know if you are buying or selling capital property

    You can't claim a capital loss if you or someone related (spouse/children) buy back the same shares (sold for a loss) within 30 days of the transaction date.


  10. Hello ronnk,

    You are welcome.

    1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", select the heading "Rental property income".

    2. On this section, go to the sub-section entitled "CCA", which already contains the information on your building.

    3. On the line for "Description and amount of capital additions", in the first field, enter the description of the item, then enter the amount of  it.

    4. On the line for "Application of the half-year rule to the current year's additions", select the option that corresponds to the situation.

    5. If you do not wish to claim the CCA for this expense, go to the line "Limit to the CCA of this class" and enter $ 0.00, otherwise enter the amount of CCA you wish to claim that is subjected to the deduction maximum allowable.

    This expense will be carried over by the program on page 3 of Form T776, specifically in Area C of this form, and the amount will be added in column 3 of Area A.

  11. Hello TiminBC2022,

    The pension adjustment of Box 52 of the T4 is required to calculate the allowable deduction for RRSPs for year 2022.

    On the left side menu of the " Review " tab in the "Messages" section, the program will generate a "Warning" informing you that "You entered an amount for RPP (registered pension plan) contribution on a T4 or T4A but did not enter an amount for pension adjustment. Ensure that you entered the amount from box 52 of the T4 or box 34 of the T4A".

  12. Hello kristenf,

    Eligible expenses does not show meals, but if all inclusive it is not clear.

    Contact the Canada Revenue Agency phone, at 1-800-959-8281

    You can claim the Ontario Staycation Tax Credit for accommodation expenses for a leisure stay of less than a month in Ontario, at a short-term accommodation or camping accommodation, such as a:

        bed-and-breakfast establishment
        vacation rental property


  13. Hello CinSch,

    Dependant Interview >> Identification



      Let MaxBack decide  Family head  Spouse  Divide equally between parents  50% to family head - ignore remainder  50% to spouse - ignore remainder  Other percentages (see help)  Do not claim 
    Did this dependant have any income in 2022?  No  Yes 
    Does this taxpayer require a tax return?



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