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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Stacey2024, UFIle ONLINE is compatible with Apple Mac - there is a voucher in the box for the ONLINE version.
  2. Hello Peavey, To limit CCA - see example below (here is $0 - enter the amount required)
  3. Hello, Glad to hear it, you are welcome. >>For the business partners (they should do the same on their respective tax returns) >> taxes paid on legal fees and commissions - Yes, all expenses directly related to the transaction : legal, marketing and brokerage. You should check with the CRA if the acquisition costs are included.
  4. Hello GaryO, UFile allows to ReFILE your 2022 (and 2023 tax return) . Note for the prior tax years you should make the adjustment: T1-ADJ 1) If you tax return was successfully submitted, go to the 2022 or 2023 file (as required) please go to « NetFile » tab [5]. - - > Federal [ ] File accepted Click on "Federal submission" section. Filing status Federal submission < - - HERE Federal T1135 submission Acknowledgment report On the bottom right hand side of the page, click "Re-FILE". “If you need to electronically submit a modified federal return, please return to the left side menu under the interview and select CRA ReFILE.” < - - - CLICK ReFile NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. 2) Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". Follow the instructions on the page. NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". (on the left hand side of the page above Interview setup) Identification Current address CRA questions NetFile CRA ReFILE < - - --HERE CRA Auto-fill my return CRA Express NOA 3) Make the appropriate changes to your file.(same as in “normal” UFile) **VERY IMPORTANT! ** You cannot update your marital status, address, direct deposit or email address by using the service ReFILE. If you have split-pension you must mail it in using a T1 - ADJ. 4) Click "Review" tab, then click "NETFILE" tab. Tick the box "I agree with the ReFILE Terms and Conditions and Private Notice". Click "ReFILE my return now!". (is displayed at bottom right of NetFile screen "Select CRA REfile) -For Revenu Quebec same process applies but for Revenu Quebec ReFile Note that cannot refile with Quebec until you have received your assessment **prior years via CRA T1-ADJ
  5. Hello mHad, As the message indicates there is an issue in your data entry for your identification. Please check the entries. Of note, you can also print and mail the tax return. In Tab 4, at the bottom of the screen, select the PDF Icons : [PDF] Federal Print [PDF] Quebec Print <- - - - IF in Quebec FYI – for the entire tax return: [PDF] Download PDF Then depending on your PDF reader, eg. Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft EDGE; you can save to: *desktop, downloads, file directory *external device such as external hard drive, USB key, cloud drive ~~~~~~~For the Tax Return Instructions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>Tax Return (tab 4) T1 comparative summary TP1 comparative summary Assembly instructions p1 <- - - HERE Assembly instructions p2 You only need to send to CRA those pages with [CRA] printed on the top left hand corner. CRA - Address: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/where-mail-your-paper-t1-return.html RQ - Address:: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/income-tax-return/filing-your-income-tax-return/filing-your-income-tax-return-by-mail/
  6. Hello denis p, Claim the following carrying charges and interest you paid to earn income from investments: - fees to manage or take care of your investments (other than any fees you paid for services in connection with your pooled registered pension plan, registered retirement income fund, registered retirement savings plan, specified pension plan, and your tax-free savings account) -fees for certain investment advice (see Interpretation Bulletin IT-238, Fees Paid to Investment Counsel) or for recording investment income -most interest you paid on money you borrowed for investment purposes, but generally only if you use it to try to earn investment income, such as interest and dividends <===CHECK with the CRA
  7. Hello Damian, Please consult with a tax advisor as the issue may go beyond the T4 Box 38 and 39.
  8. Hello Rosebud, You can save the tax return to PDF after submitting - in fact you should save to PDF. If you have a Netfile confirmation # then do not submit again.
  9. Hello Peter Kouri, This is calculated automatically by UFile
  10. Property Flipping with T2125 >>CRA Questions : (if lived in property as residence) >>Complete Capital Gains section >>Real estate >>Enter Proceeds / Adjusted Cost Base (ACB) / Expenses (if applicable) >>Complete T2125 >>Select T2125 – Business Income >>Complete T225 – Business identification – note that many fields are not mandatary eg. Federal account number >>Complete Income, expenses Note that Profits from property flipping are as previously calculated in the real estate capital gains section (Proceeds less ACB less expenses in disposition). The capital gain is taxable at a 100% inclusion rate (not 50%) CCA is not applicable as you can not claim CCA in the year of disposition.
  11. Hello Wuxx, Update UFile *Settings (upper right hand corner) Tax return counter... Check for updates... < = = HERE Register EFILE-NetFiIe setup RRSP Calculator Retirement Planner [Check for updates] [x] Check for updates automatically
  12. Hello Mrg, 1.) Close the UFile session by exiting the UFile page ie close the browser and login back in. The data should not be lost and all entries should be restored (except the last interview page). It may be due to a split second disconnect of the DBase to web server interface page and can be caused by network latency, internet disruptions or other internet issues. 2.) Check Firewall / Antivirus settings 3.) Also reported when a user is behind a PROXY or other Web service which changes the users IP address during the session in UFILE. Eg. Using a corporate network. Try on a connection outside a VPN (Virtual Private Network). 4.) Clear the cache. 5.) Switch browsers. Eg. From Chrome to EDGE 6.) Check for browser extensions eg. Crypto wallet / Cisco Webex >>Chrome >> Settings >> Manage extensions. 7.) Reboot the modem to change the IP address. 7.) Try to open your account from a different location ie different IP address: home or office (if the modem reboot did not change the IP address).
  13. Hello Patty Fu, If you have a middle name, please enter it, as the CRA requires it when processing a first-time filer (or Dependant in your case). Middle name = Edward Example: First name: John Edward Last name: King
  14. Hello Dmitri, Thank you for pointing this out, I will pass it on for the next release.
  15. Hello Ldee, If you received an AIP from a registered education savings plan (RESP) in the year, you may have to pay an additional tax on all or part of the amount shown in box 040 of your T4A slips. Complete Form T1172, Additional Tax on Accumulated Income Payments from RESPs. In your case it could go into Box 040 BUT please confirm with the CRA Contact the CRA 1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals. Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/telephone-numbers.html T4A
  16. Hello Jeff C, Unfortunately we have no control over RQ rejecting the file. You should print and mail the tax return. Print Tax Return to mail / Mail Return / Print Return / Print PDF T1 and T2 / mail tax return In Tab 4, at the bottom of the screen, select the PDF Icons : [PDF] Federal Print [PDF] Quebec Print <- - - - IF in Quebec FYI – for the entire tax return: [PDF] Download PDF Then depending on your PDF reader, eg. Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft EDGE; you can save to: *desktop, downloads, file directory *external device such as external hard drive, USB key, cloud drive ~~~~~~~For the Tax Return Instructions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>Tax Return (tab 4) T1 comparative summary TP1 comparative summary Assembly instructions p1 <- - - HERE Assembly instructions p2 You only need to send to CRA those pages with [CRA] printed on the top left hand corner. CRA - Address: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/where-mail-your-paper-t1-return.html RQ - Address:: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/income-tax-return/filing-your-income-tax-return/filing-your-income-tax-return-by-mail/
  17. Hello jenn19, Try removing reserving characters in the name (if any are present) T828 error Federal Authorization Submission - remove reserved chars such as "/" eg. Remove C/O Otherwise please Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 CRA https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information.html
  18. Hello Nicola, We expect the release should be by end of day today. Unfortunately this timeline is beyond our control.
  19. Hello wob456, Unfortunately CRA changes to the tax code and rates arrive too late in the current year for any early release of the software. We do strive to release as early as possible.
  20. Hello EdR, RE : SUGGESTION - T3 / T5 sort list : this year-last year Thank you for your suggestion. We will submit this to our development team for review. The development team will decide if a suggestion is implemented for a future release. The development team is continuously evaluating client feedback to improve the UFile experience. We appreciate comments and feedback from our clients.
  21. Hello flossie, I am not sure what you mean by AVC or OMERS however T4A in box 133 is entered as follows in the T4A :
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