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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Golfer2023, In the T4A (not T4A(P)) : [119] Premiums paid to a group term life ins. plan [$333.00] < = = HERE Footnotes relating to specific T-slip entries and Box 135 [135] Employee-paid prem. for priv. health ser. plans [$666.00 ]
  2. Hello Douglas C Isaac, UFile has been certified by CRA for T2203 - Multi-Jurisdiction, it will be available in the next release very shortly.
  3. Hello JB68, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line For T2 ONLINE Support : Login in to your T2 account and go to Help (“?” top right corner) https://secure.ufile.ca/support/contactform.aspx
  4. Hello DeeEllis, Thank you for your suggestion. We will submit this to our development team for review. he development team is continuously evaluating client feedback to improve the UFile experience. We appreciate comments and feedback from our clients. Thank you for being a loyal UFile customer.
  5. Hello KristenK, Can use “all year” as the end result is the same i.e. no need to split out the individual months.
  6. Hello BRK, Thank you for your suggestion. We will submit this to our development team for review. The development team is continuously evaluating client feedback to improve the UFile experience. We appreciate your comments and feedback.
  7. Hello MessingwithT5008s, UFIle has been certified for T2203 - Multi-Jurisdiction. The exact date is dependent on the CRA, the release will be shortly.
  8. Hello WellDone, First the tuition must be used in the current year, then the balance is carried forward – this is done automatically by UFile. Regarding carrying forward tuition fees per CRA "The amount you must use on your own tax return is equal to the amount of credit required to reduce the taxes you owe. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-32300-your-tuition-education-textbook-amounts/transferring-carrying-forward-amounts.html
  9. Hello Cvitpdan, There are no known issues with the AFR download downloads and T5's, the file is downloaded from the CRA, which receives (or does not receive) the data from the issuer(s).
  10. Hello Ali670, CRA : You cannot undo refile once you clicked the button but you don’t need to undo Just leave as and don’t file it (again). ---------------------- Did you activate by mistake ReFILE Revenu Quebec? If yes, please open your tax return and go to the section "Revenu Quebec ReFILE". "Enter details of the adjustment being made within the amended Quebec return" - A description is mandatory. You can enter "No changes".
  11. Hello LisaR, Please logout and clear your cache. If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Safari (Mac) with the Option-Command-E. Log back in. The error should be gone.
  12. Hello thetut, If the box is not checked this is the error message : CRA Message – NetFile - You have not completed all of the required electronic submissions >>Next to section that says : When you are ready to file, click “File my return now!” MUST CLICK HERE ----> [ ] / !\ I agree with the terms and conditions and Privacy Notice
  13. Hello vintageband, Balance owing is for 2023 (including any 2023 installments you entered). Installments is for 2024, CRA will send you a notice.
  14. Hello Poonam R, If no first name please enter "*" >>For immigrant : Leave middle name blank
  15. Hello CMK24, You can only claim donations (or carry them forward to a subsequent year) in the year they were made. If you did not claim them, you can refile your prior year tax return(s).
  16. Hello Lisagagnon1966, Please logout and clear your cache. If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Safari (Mac) with the Option-Command-E. Log back in. The error should be gone.
  17. Hello lar, RE : Error 15 The CRA has locked your account due to too many failed attempts to NetFile (5xTimes maximum). You should contact the CRA to **unlock the account ie specifically the transmission to Netfile ** and then wait at least 12 hours to NetFile. Please note there is a difference between CRA myaccount and the CRA Netfiling account and not all CRA agents are aware of this. Unfortunately there is nothing that we can do. Of note, you can also print and mail the tax return. CRA Tel. : 1-800-267-6999
  18. Hello HMJC, You do not need to report box 23.(CRA already has this)
  19. Hello Nevar15, UFile T2 for Corporations will generate an error message if the subtotals or total of your financial statements are overridden. The totals (fields in bold) are calculated automatically by the software. If you wish to make changes, simply change the items fields and not the totals or subtotals fields. Note, the fields that are overridden have check mark on the right-hand side of the amount field. To remove the overrides, untick the box beside the amount field and let the software do calculation automatically. Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  20. Hello Peter S, Certification is based on the CRA time-table for which we have no control (we have been certified). We expect it for our next release shortly.
  21. Hello O D, You selected the full-time option for Box 105, you should select the part-time option. >>
  22. Hello MacFireman, The system will keep the data providing you save it, either by proceeding to the next page or by selecting save. You must select the correct boxes or you will receive an error in the Review section.
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