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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Dan28, Glad to hear it, thanks for sharing.
  2. Hello yuuuky, Transferring directly from an RRSP to an RRSP or from a RRIF to a RRIF- Transfer under paragraph 60L / 60L(V) You probably received either a T4RIF or a T4RSP slip for withdrawals you have made and transferred either to an RRSP or a RRIF. The mention 60L may appear on your receipt to indicate the direct transfer. To report this direct transfer from one account to another, please follow the steps below: 1. On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select the item "Interview setup". 2. On the right-hand side of the screen, go to the "Pension" group, check the box for "Pension income, other income and split pension income (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1031)" and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "T4A and pension income" 4. On the screen to your right, choose the line that corresponds to your situation, either "T4RIF - Income from Registered Retirement Income Fund (RL-2)" or "T4RSP - Income from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RL-2)". 5. For the line "Box 16 - Taxable amounts from a RRIF (RL-2 box B)" or "Box 16 - Annuity payments from RRSP (RL-2 box B)", enter the amount of the withdrawal. 6. For the line entitled "Portion of Box 16 transferred to a RRSP" or "Portion of Box 16 transferred to a RRIF", enter the amount transferred. You should ask the payer to transfer the funds directly from one account to the other. Generally, the amounts you transfer directly into an RRSP do not change your RRSP deduction limit. The amount transferred directly will be entered on line 24640 of federal Schedule 7. For more information on this topic, consult the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/transferring.html
  3. Hello p2024, Thank you for your suggestion. We will submit this to our development team for review. The development team will decide if a suggestion is implemented for a future release. The development team is continuously evaluating client feedback to improve the UFile experience. We appreciate comments and feedback from our clients. Thank you for being a loyal UFile customer.
  4. Hello Marc09, To claim your tuition fees you must have received one of the following forms from your educational institution: * Form T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate * Form TL11A, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate – University Outside Canada *Form TL11C, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate – Commuter to the United States *Form TL11D, Tuition Fees Certificate – Educational Institutions Outside Canada for a Deemed Resident of Canada Examination fees for licensing or certification Examination fees paid to an educational institution, professional association, provincial ministry or other similar institution, to take an occupational, trade or professional examination that is required to obtain a professional status recognized by federal or provincial statute, or to be licensed or certified as a tradesperson, to allow you to practice the profession or trade in Canada, may be eligible for the tuition tax credit. Ancillary fees or charges exceeding $250 and paid in respect of an occupational, trade, or professional examination are not eligible tuition fees unless they are required to be paid by all individuals taking the examination. You should be provided with a receipt to substantiate your eligible exam fees. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-32300-your-tuition-education-textbook-amounts/eligible-tuition-fees.html
  5. Hello HGA, I believe Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) lets you carry forward the unused contribution room indefinitely (to age 71) and add this to the amount you can contribute for future years. Please confirm with the CRA https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/contributing-a-rrsp-prpp/what-unused-rrsp-prpp-contributions.html
  6. Hello Baihe Lee, Enter separately with the corresponding NAICS codes and Income / Expenses
  7. Hello SheilaW, In medical expenses :
  8. Hello Marjan, For UFile T2 Corporate Tax. >>Remove checkmark RE : Override of GIFI field subtotal is incorrect UFile T2 will generate an error message if the subtotals or total of your financial statements are overridden. The GIFI totals (fields in bold) are calculated automatically by the software. If you wish to make changes, simply change the items fields and not the totals or subtotals fields. Note, the fields that are overridden have check mark on the right-hand side of the amount field. To remove the overrides, untick the box beside the amount field and let the software do calculation automatically.
  9. Hello broadway29, Please logout and clear your cache. If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Safari (Mac) with the Option-Command-E. Log back in. The error should be gone.
  10. Hello Joe79, You can use T5 - Investment income (RL-3) w/o the RL-3.
  11. Hello Pats, Do not REfile use NetFile to send the transmit with the correction to DoB.
  12. Hello Baihe Lee, 1. On the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab", select "Interview setup". 2. On the screen that appears on the right, go to the "Self-employment" group, check the box "Self-employed business income", also if you paid tax by instalments. Then go to the "Tax paid by instalments and tax transfer" group and check the box "Tax paid by instalments and tax transfer" and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", click on "Self-employment income" and select the option "T2125 - Business income" on the right-hand side page. 4. On the "Business identification" page, enter the name of your business on the line "Business name (or your own name, if the business does not have one ", then enter the other information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk. 5. On the field for "6-digit code from the North American Industry Classification System", enter the NAICS code that best describes your industry. If you do not know the NAICS code, click on the tool tip (the question mark) (?) on the right-hand side of the box to access a list of NAICS codes. 6. On the line "Products or services and their respective percentage (%) in the total income (mandatory for a Quebec return) ", in the field on the right, enter your main service or product and enter the percentage (%). If you have other products or services, click on the "plus sign +" icon on the right to generate another field. 7. Subsequently, after identifying your company, a submenu will appear on the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab" to allow you to enter the "Income & expenses", "Motor vehicle expenses", "Home office expenses" and so on. 8. On the next page ''Income, expenses'', on the line ''Gross sales, commissions or fees'', you must enter a value, if you have no income, enter $0, 00 as this is a required field. NOTE: for expenses, if your company is registered for GST and HST (QST), these expenses must be entered before taxes to reflect the ITRs (input tax refund) and ITCs (input tax credit) you claimed. 9. If you had partners, choose the subsection "Partners" and if you want to claim capital cost allowance for your office furniture and equipment, choose subsection "CCA" and select on this page the classes that apply to your profession. 10. For residents of Quebec, if you wish to pay your registration fee for Quebec, return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" and choose the option ''Q438 - Quebec annual registration fee for the enterprise register''. We recommend that you read the T4002 guide published by the CRA, for more information on what qualifies as a business expense. For more information, please visit the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4002.html For Quebec residents, we suggest that you consult the "Business and Professional Income" guide, published by Revenu Québec. You can visit the following link: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/online-services/forms-and-publications/current-details/in-155-v/ The program will also generate federal form T2125, as well as Quebec form TP-80 if applicable. The gross and net amounts will be reported by the program on lines 13499 and 13500 of the federal return and, for Quebec residents, on lines 12 and 22 of Quebec Schedule L.
  13. Hello river, If you have a foreign rental property and cannot use NETFILE because the program reports that "The address of your business or rental property is incomplete", complete the address of the foreign rental property by entering a Canadian postal code in the correct format (e.g., enter the postal code of your home).
  14. Hello KJDFNSIJFNKSJNFKDSBFKS, The description is correct : enter non-resident income from sources outside of Canada, if nil than leave blank.
  15. Hello KJDFNSIJFNKSJNFKDSBFKS, Unfortunately we have no control over the CRA download process, Please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 CRA https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information.html
  16. Hello BMart, Enter the FX rate for USD eg. 1.3497 for all three (note it can be different for cost and proceeds)
  17. Hello Susan Chan, For T3RET T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return / T3SCH15 Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust : To address your specific needs, I would encourage you to contact us for our professional tax return solution DTMax.from Thomson Reuters. Sales Department 1 866 653-8629 / DT-sales@thomsonreuters.com T3: https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/dtprofessionalsuite/products/dtmax/dtmaxt3.html
  18. Hello gregraj, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note and send the file with the tuition claim. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  19. Hello Rabso, Please be advised that for that purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips. This is due to the very heavy volume load, and the T5008 slips may be incomplete. Example: missing the ACB /cost/book value.Errors may also arise due to downloading of corrupted records, example, null entries. Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient.Note that even if you download all the T5008 slips, only the total amount is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and if applicable Revenu Québec. The government agencies have already received copies of these slips and it is not necessary to itemize them in the software. The brokerage or investment dealer should be able to provide a consolidated statement of activity for the year, with totals. Thank you for your understanding.
  20. Hello Inna, CRA: t1rq:FileReturnRequest start tag on line 1 position 191 does not match the end tag of t1:T1Return line 1, position 981 t1rq:FileReturnRequest' start tag on line 1 position 191 does not match the end tag of 't1:T1Return'. Line 1, position 982 1. This Error will arise if you attempt to NetFile a Return when you selected the option "No, I will mail it" within the NetFile Page under the Interview Tab. You must be sure to select the option "Yes (if eligible)" instead of “No, I will mail it" 2.The response for <Does this taxpayer require a tax return?> was set to <Let MaxBack decide> and apparently Max decided that a federal return was not needed. When I set it to <Yes> I was able to netfile the federal return. 3. For your Dependant’s file, go to #2 Interview and on the left sidebar, click on "Ontario tax credits." Click on "ON-BEN Application" and click on the +. It will prompt you to look through all the information, but scroll to the final option where it says "Who should receive?" these benefits and simply select let "MaxBack" decide. (This section is about The Ontario Trillium Benefit and Senior Housing Benefits, if I recall correctly.) 4. had not put the cents in for my income on my business form and once i did it worked 5.Try clearing your cache (Ctl-H) or another broswer eg. From Chrome to Firefox If none of these clear the error message than you should mail the tax return
  21. Hello imadradi, UFile Win and UFile PRO share the same program, you do not need to install again. Once you get the UFile 4 or 12 key installed, you can also install the UFile PRO key as follows: -Run your UFile program. -Go to "settings" menu from the top-right corner and select "Tax return counter..." -Click on the "Add extra returns" button. -Enter your PRO activation key, and then click "OK". By clicking on the "settings" menu from the top-right corner, and then "EFILE-NetFile setup", you can switch between NETFILE and EFILE by changing the type of preparer in the drop-down list. Please do the following: -Run your UFile program. -Click on "Settings" menu form the top-right corner. -Select "EFILE-NetFile setup". -Select the folder where you want to keep your tax files. Transmission EFILE - Professional tax preparer (UFile PRO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -For the field "In what capacity are you preparing tax returns?", select "Professional tax preparer ". -This will cause the EFile Registration Information section to appear. -Tick the box "EFile Online". NOTE: If you also are a preparer registered with Revenu Quebec, tick the box "NetFile Québec for professionals". -Fill in your EFILE information. -Enter the information related to the T1013 form. -Click "Save" to save the information. NOTE: The software will ask you to save the data file and will reopen. The 5-th tab of UFile will be "EFILE" . Transmission NETFILE - Taxpayer (your own UFile 4 or 12 software) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -For the field "In what capacity are you preparing tax returns?", select "Taxpayer preparing his/her own tax return". -Click "Save" to save the information. NOTE: The software will ask you to save the data file and will reopen. The 5-th tab of UFile will be "NETFILE" .
  22. Hello KLIPP, That is correct, you ae not eligible if you were an immigrant in 2023. In UFile please complete the Immigrant section: Basic amount eligibility You are eligible for the basic amount of the CWB if you meet all the following conditions: Earn working income and your net income is below the net income level set for your province or territory of residence Are a resident of Canada throughout the year Are 19 years of age or older on December 31, or you live with your spouse or common-law partner or your child You are not eligible for the CWB if any of the following applies: Are enrolled as a full-time student at a designated educational institution for more than 13 weeks in the year unless, on December 31, you have an eligible dependant Are confined to a prison or similar institution for a period of at least 90 days during the year Do not have to pay tax in Canada because you are an officer or servant of another country, such as a diplomat, or you are a family member or employee of that person https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/acwb-eligibility.html
  23. Hello jmeh, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
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