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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Tapestry, Pension Split The program automatically processes the tax you already paid on the eligible pension income in proportion to the elected split-pension amount. This result is on : Spouse Return : Elected split-pension amount [11600 ] Family Head Return : Deduction for elected split-pension amount [2100] The calculation can also be viewed in Step 5 of the federal T1032 form, available under the "Tax Return" tab. To view the optimization and savings for the pension split pleas refer to the report “Report on split-pension income”. The split is not always optimal at 50%, and this report will show you with and without the allocation. Report on split-pension income – 2023 Checklist - Medical expenses Report on split-pension income < - - - HERE Report - tax savings reconciliation Worksheet (Federal) p1
  2. Hello YVRTax, Glad to hear it and thanks for advising us.
  3. Hello Jeremy, Glad to hear it, you are welcome.
  4. Hello pinky, RE : Do you have any idea how I can get 100% amount U.S TAX >>No - please consult an accountant The 1042-S should be entered as follows To enter these IRS slips:.For example [1042-S / 28 Gambling winnings] >>>Interview setup (left hand navigation pane - - beneath “CRA Express NOA”) >> Double click “interview setup” >>On right hand of screen Find the section [Investment income and expenses] >>Select Foreign income or foreign property (T1135) - - > >>Foreign capital gains - Stock, mutual funds & other non depreciable property >>In the section [Foreign non-business income] >>Income from foreign dividends (or interest / capital gains / other) *Country from where you received the foreign income If the country signed a tax treaty with Canada, a deduction under 20(11) will not be allowed. [United States (tax treaty with Canada)] *Description of the source of the foreign income [1042-S / 28 Gambling winnings] If you are entering amounts in Canadian dollars, enter 1 for the exchange rate. The average exchange rate for $US was 1.3497 in 2023. See the Bank of Canada's website (www.bankofcanada.ca) for other exchange rates. *Exchange rate to apply [1.3497] *Amount of foreign income received [$1,000.00] *Amount of foreign tax paid [$250.00]
  5. Hello pjdub56, You are missing a corresponding field. Example :
  6. Hello HaroldHecuba, Please logout and clear your cache. If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Safari (Mac) with the Option-Command-E. Log back in. The error should be gone.
  7. Hello J David M Thompson, Please check with the issuer of the T4A slip. The most common for Box 16 is Registered Pension Plan :
  8. Hello Miao,, *.u22 format file from UFile Win 2022 to UFILE online 2023. To move up and down also try the slider on the edge of the screen
  9. Hello Mark2025, Net Capital Loss (Stocks etc) Is calculated automatically based on the entries in the section : “Investment and interest income and expenses”. NOTE - When you have a net capital loss, line 12700 remains blank. However, under the "Tax Return" tab in the program, capital gains and losses are shown on Schedule 3. The same principle applies to Quebec. A capital loss will automatically be carried forward to the following year by the program, if not applied to a capital gain. As per the CRA's website: "On line 12700, enter the positive amount from line 19900 on your Schedule 3. If the amount on line 19900 on your Schedule 3 is negative (a loss), do not claim the amount on line 12700 of your tax return. We will register it on our system. Keep track of this loss, which you can use to reduce your taxable capital gains of other years." The CRA, and Revenu Québec if applicable, will report net capital gains/losses on the Notice of Assessment after reviewing your tax return. For more information, please refer to the CRA website: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-127-capital-gains/calculating-reporting-your-capital-gains-losses.html
  10. Hello Wenceslav. As per the CRA site. Do I have to report foreign personal-use property on Form T1135? No, you do not have to report personal-use property. This includes vacation property that you use primarily as a personal residence (see real property questions below) and listed personal property such as works of art, jewelry, rare folios, rare manuscripts, rare books, stamps, and coins. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/foreign-reporting/questions-answers-about-form-t1135.html You can confirm with the CRA : Contact the CRA 1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals. Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/telephone-numbers.html
  11. Hello garyt, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  12. Hello mnako, To determine your status please contact CRA : 1-800-959-8281 for inquiries related to individuals. Telephone numbers – Canada Revenue Agency / CRA wait times: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/telephone-numbers.html Determining Non Resident - Some factors to consider : a) In which foreign country was the employment income earned b) If the foreign country was the USA did the person have a Green Card or US Citizenship c) Did the person maintain residential ties to Canada while abroad (maintained a habitual abode in Canada, driver’s license, provincial medical insurance, Canadian bank account etc) d) How many days did they remain abroad? e) Did they file an income tax return in the foreign country You should consider the above and check with the CRA to establish your status. You can then contact us so we may guide you how to proceed ie type of Non Resident or emigrant. Non-residents of Canada https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/non-residents-canada.html Income Tax Folio S5-F1-C1, Determining an Individual’s Residence Status https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/technical-information/income-tax/income-tax-folios-index/series-5-international-residency/folio-1-residency/income-tax-folio-s5-f1-c1-determining-individual-s-residence-status.html
  13. Hello redbeer, Please contactg the CRA and refer to the links below. T4144: Income Tax Guide for Electing under Section 216 This guide contains information needed to elect under section 216 of the Income Tax Act as well as general information for non-residents receiving Canadian-source rental income. This guide is for you if you were a non-resident of Canada for all or part of 2023 https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4144/income-tax-guide-electing-under-section-216.html#dspsng Information Circular IC72-17R6 - Procedures concerning the disposition of taxable Canadian property by non‑residents of Canada – Section 116 https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/ic72-17/ic72-17r6-procedures-concerning-disposition-taxable-canadian-property-non-residents-canada-section-116.html
  14. Hello jsieben, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us For telephone support, please call: 1-888-633-8414
  15. Hello lmnei, Refile with UFile ONLINE for Tax Year 2022 AND Tax Year 2023 --------------------- UFile allows to ReFILE your 2022 (and 2023 tax return) . Note for the prior tax years you should make the adjustment: T1-ADJ 1) If you tax return was successfully submitted, please go to « NetFile » tab [5]. - - - > Federal [ ] File accepted Click on "Federal submission" section. On the bottom right hand side of the page, click "Re-FILE". “If you need to electronically submit a modified federal return, please return to the left side menu under the interview and select CRA ReFILE.” < - - - CLICK ReFile NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. 2) Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". Follow the instructions on the page. NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". (on the left hand side of the page above Interview setup) Identification Current address CRA questions NetFile CRA ReFILE < - - --HERE CRA Auto-fill my return CRA Express NOA 3) Make the appropriate changes to your file.(same as in “normal” UFile) **VERY IMPORTANT! ** You cannot update your marital status, address, direct deposit or email address by using the service ReFILE. If you have split-pension you must mail it in using a T1 - ADJ. 4) Click "Review" tab, then click "NETFILE" tab. Tick the box "I agree with the ReFILE Terms and Conditions and Private Notice". Click "ReFILE my return now!". (is displayed at bottom right of NetFile screen "Select CRA REfile) -For Revenu Quebec same process applies but for Revenu Quebec ReFile Note that cannot refile with Quebec until you have received your assessment **prior years via CRA T1-ADJ NOTE : You can not ReFile if you did not originally NetFile. You must do a T1-Adjustment.
  16. Hello lmnei, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note. Attn GEO Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  17. Hello Josh005, Please see below. >>Interview >>
  18. Hello Hoody, To limit your RRSP contribution see example below.
  19. Hello jen hill, Please logout and clear your cache. If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window. Safari (Mac) with the Option-Command-E. Log back in. The error should be gone.
  20. Hello Alex86, Yes you must wait. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control and is dependent on the CRA. I do not have an exact date or release schedule but it should be any day now.
  21. Hello jmeh, If your earnings were outside of Quebec, then you must select the “T4 income (earned in any province except Quebec)”. Go to the “Interview” section and in the left side column select “T4 and employment income”. Then on the page that appears on the right select “T4 income (earned in any province except Quebec)”. Delete the other entry by clicking on the little minus sign next to the item in the left side column.
  22. Hello QuebecCanuck, Note social security number is for the USA, social insurance number is for Canada. Payment is not done with the software. For Revenu Québec the TPF-1026.0.2 bordereau de paiement is found in UFIle Tab 4 (tax Return) : >>Left side of the screen *TP-1026.0.1.P - Quebec payment slip < - - HERE *Charitable donations (Quebec) *Medical expenses (Quebec) Payment You can pay your balance due online or by cheque or money order. 479 – Balance due https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/income-tax-return/completing-your-income-tax-return/how-to-complete-your-income-tax-return/line-by-line-help/451-to-480-refund-or-balance-due/line-479/ For CRA the payment slip is not found in the software. You do not need a slip if paying online. You can pay your balance due online or by cheque or money order. You do not require a voucher if paying on line. You can order payment vouchers (if needed) from CRA My account. CRA Payment : https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/payments-cra/individual-payments/make-payment.html
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