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Posts posted by Geo123

  1. Hello PeteH,

    You should check with the brokerage or securities dealer if the funds are Canadian or Foreign eg. Pimco and Fidelity are both Canadian and US based.

    7. Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities
    dealer or a Canadian trust company
    A taxpayer who held specified foreign property with a Canadian registered
    securities dealer (as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Act) or with a
    Canadian trust company (as determined under paragraph (b) of the definition
    of restricted financial institution in subsection 248(1) of the Act) is permitted to
    report the aggregate amount of all such property in this category.
    The table for this category should be completed as follows:
    • all of the property held with a particular securities dealer or trust company
    should be aggregated on a country-by-country basis;
    • it is also acceptable to provide aggregate totals for each particular
    account on a country-by-country basis;
    • refer to the "country code" instructions above to determine the
    appropriate country for each property; and
    • the maximum fair market value during the year may be based on the
    maximum month-end fair market value


  2. Hello r.huang3,

    Total proceeds should be greater than $0.:

    Virtual currency transactions

    Number of units sold
    Date of acquisition (dd-mm-yyyy)
    Date of disposition (dd-mm-yyyy)
    Method of alienation
    Total proceeds from the sale of the property  < - - - Enter proceeds of sale
    Adjusted cost base of the property < - - - Enter ACB related to the sale

  3. Hello susieqq,

    If you have Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit SK(S12), go to the section Medical, disability, caregiver and select Home Accessibility Expenses (line 31285).

    Home Accessibility Expenses
    You may be eligible for the Home Accessibility Expenses at the end of 2022:

    you were a qualifying individual; or
    you were an eligible individual making a claim for a qualifying individual.
    For more information, click here.

    You may be eligible for Saskatchewan home renovation expenses if:

    you were a resident of Saskatchewan;
    the total eligible expenses incurred in {year}, must be in excess of $1,000;
    the eligible dwelling is a housing unit located in Saskatchewan that is owned by the taxpayer and that is their principal residence during the tax year.

    Tax Return : 
    >> SK 428 Home renovation expenses ( attach  Schedule SK(S12))  [58340]

  4. Hello D E,

    UFile's ability to absorb downloaded data is a function of computer memory (as well as internet speed and network latency) and the other data in your file.     Issues have also arisen when a T5008 contains a corrupted or bad record eg. T5008 with a NULL value where it should not be.
    Of note, keep in mind that the broker is not obligated to divulge the actual Actual Cost Base (ACB) of your transactions to the CRA; therefore, although you may be able to import the data without data entry into UFile it does not necessarily mean that the data is accurate and complete.

  5. Hello Claude C,

    Your unique Access code can be found on your Notice of Assessment (NOA) for a previous tax year. This eight-character Access code is made up of numbers and letters and is located on the right side of your NOA. The placement and labelling of the Access code differs slightly depending on the version of the NOA you are looking at, but will always be on the right side of the NOA.

    On the paper version of your NOA as well as the PDF version in My Account, the Access code is not labelled, but can be found directly underneath the Date issued at the top right of the page. If you are viewing your NOA in My Account or using the Express NOA service in certified tax software, the Access code is found directly under the Notice details box at the top right of the page.

  6. Hello Mike F,

    It is not clear if you are currently Non Resident or Resident of Canada, either can be done in UFIle.

    Non Resident - Select Non resident from Interview  <---- Select according to your status eg. Emmigrated

    Resident - Select T1135 - Foreign income or foreign property

      >>Foreign non-business income Section >> Foreign employment income 


  7. Hello Fabio,

    You may be able to claim this amount if, at any time in the year, you met all the following conditions at once:

    * You do not have a spouse or common-law partner;
    * You supported a dependant in 2022;
    * You lived with the dependant in a home that you maintained. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

    In addition, at the time you met the above conditions, the dependant must also have been either.
    * Your parent or grandparent by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption;
    * Your child, your grandchildren, brother or sister and she is under 18 years of age or has, an impairment in physical or mental functions.


  8. Hello SV2022,

    This may be your situation, if you worked in Quebec in the current taxation year but resided in another province (e. g. in Ontario), you should have received two tax slips: a Federal T4 slip and a Quebec RL-1 slip. 

    In the "Review" tab, you may see the following "Warning": "The pensionable earnings entered for a T4 exceed the amount of T4 income". Please ignore this warning.
    The program will generate the Form RC381 pertaining to the inter-provincial calculation of the CPP and QPP contributions and overpayments.


  9. Hello Mary929H,

    Only enter limit the CCA to reduce the CCA amount.

    *Opening undepreciated capital cost or cumulative eligible capital  < --------From prior year ending UCC value // LEAVE NULL if no other assets from prior year.

    *Description of assets

    *Adjusted cost base of asset(s) in class <---ACQUISITION PRICE HERE

    *Date the asset was acquired <----DATE

    *Property type for capital gains classification purposes

    *Non-accelerated investment incentive property additions - amount and description     <---ACQUISITION PRICE HERE


    for AIIP~

    *Accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) additions after November 20, 2018 - amount and description

    *Half-year CCA applies on non-accelerated investment incentive property additions  < - - -If Applicable

    *Limit this class to specific CCA/CECA amount < - - -If Wish To Limit CCA

    ~ Under the Accelerated Investment Incentive, capital investments will generally be eligible for a first-year deduction for depreciation equal to up to three times the amount that would otherwise apply in the year an asset is put in use. Tripling the current first-year rate will allow businesses to recover the initial cost of their investment more quickly.

    Limit to the CCA of this vehicle (leave blank for maximum CCA)  <- - - TO LIMIT the CCA amount

    Kilometres travelled for business or work

    Total kilometres travelled

  10. Hello Hosstyle,

    Qualifying Retroactive Lum Sum Payments - Federal
    A ''Qualifying Retroactive lump sum payment'' is a lump sum that is paid to an individual (other than a trust) in a year and that relates to one or more prior eligible taxation years during which the individual was a resident of Canada throughout the year.

    The CRA will not change the previous years' returns to include this income. However, the CRA may calculate the tax payable on the parts of the payment relating to previous years as if you received them during those years.

    The income received on form T1198 - "Qualifying retroactive lump sum payment" must be included on slips T4, T4A or T4E of the beneficiary and included in the tax return.

    If the total of all principal amounts that relate to prior years on form T1198 is $ 3,000 or more, this will make the return ineligible for federal NETFILE or EFILE. Therefore, the T1198 form must be signed by the payer, and then annexed to the tax return and you must mail your federal form T1198 and the tax returns.

    If the amount is less than $ 3,000, the NETFILE restriction is lifted, but the T1198 form is generated for informational purposes only, and not transmitted with the return.

    You must also declare the income received on a T4, T4A, or T4E information slip.

    For more information on this topic, please see the following links CRA:


    In the case of a T4, T4E or a T4A you have the amount paid relating to several previous tax years. To report these amounts, please follow these steps:

    1- On the "Left side menu on the «Interview tab", select the "T4 and employment income" and on the page to the right select "T4 income earned outside Quebec". For residents of Quebec, choose "T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec whit QPP contributions" if the amounts are on a T4 or a T4E.
    If the amounts are on a T4A, select the option ''T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity and other income ''.

    2- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select the item "Other income" and on the right choose "T1198 - Qualifying retroactive lump-sum payment".

    3- Enter a brief description for the line "Description of QRLSP (Form T1198)".

    4- On the line" Interest (current and prior years)", enter the amount of interest (if applicable).

    5- Then, enter the principal amount relating to each applicable year.

    Note: For residents of Quebec, you must also complete Form TP-766.2 if it was not completed by the payer. To access this form, return to the ''Left side menu on the Interview tab'' and select ''Other income''. On the page that appears on the right select the option ''TP-766.2 - Information about the amounts received as a retroactive payment, as support-payment arrears or as a repayment of support''.

  11. Hello Outdorsman19,

    Below is an example of how to complete the form including the To

    Data Entry :
    Northern area where you travelled Zone A (Resident of prescribed northern area)
    Name of the person who travelled to or from the northern destination 1
    Purpose of the trip to a northern area Other
    Date of beginning of trip to a northern area 05-05-2022
    Date of end of trip to a northern area 10-05-2022
    Destination TheNorth
    Select the method to be used between the taxable benefit and the standard amount Let MaxBack decide (default)
    1- Employee benefits with respect to northern travel $0.00
    2- Northern travel expenses: Plane $1,500.00
    3- Lowest return air fare for the northern area travel $1,500.00

    Tax Return :

    Chart A
    A Enter the name of each individual, including yourself, whose        1
    travel you are claiming. See Step 3 in the instructions.
    B Enter the name of everyone (including                    Name 1: MyName
    yourself) who is claiming a deduction
    for trips taken by the individual in row A
    and the total portion of the $1,200
    standard amount allocated by each
    claimant for all trips by that individual.

    Amount 1:                                $1,200.00
    Name 2:
    Amount 2:
    Name 3:
    Amount 3:
    Enter the total of all amounts in row B.                $1,200.00
    This total  cannot be more than $1,200

    Step 3 – Calculate your travel deduction
    Line 14 plus line 15 Travel deduction $1,200.00  <---MAX is $1,200.00
    Step 4 – Calculate your northern residents deductions
    Line 17 plus line 18                    
    Enter this amount on line 25500 of your return   Northern residents deductions $1,200.00

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