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rejected 15, account locked


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I have never done a tax return before. while I was using Ufile it did not display any error and when it was time to file a tax return it showed a warning sign

"You have not completed all of the required electronic submissions.

Please refer to the Filing Status to determine which submission(s) remain outstanding". 
when I checked the filing status it said the file was rejected and that my account is locked. I don't understand what happened. I don't even have a CRA account and it keeps directing me to different people with no help whatsoever. I really need some answers, please.
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Hello favour,

You must click / check the box:
It looks like [] Yellow "/\" I agree with the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice
----> Is above the blue box [File my return now]
Then click [File my return now - - >]
If you try numerous times (unsuccessfully) you may have been blocked by the CRA for security reasons.  You will need to contact them to unlock the account


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I encountered the same issue.  \My tax return went through but my spouse's file was rejected.

The message reads

"You have not completed all of the required electronic submissions. Please refer to the Filing Status to determine which submission(s) remain outstanding". 

when I checked the filing status it said the file was rejected and that my account is locked. 
What account is locked and how do I open it?  Help, please.
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I have the same error and I have used u-file for years. My hubby went thru no problem. When I talked to help desk at ufile they said I tried to upload too many times so it locked. I called CRA and they confirmed my account is fine and not locked, but have not received my taxes. Called ufile help desk and once again they said call CRA and/or wait 24 hours to try again. It has been over 24 hours, CRA says the account is not locked, but when I go back into ufile to do Netfile it still comes up as locked???

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Hello PMR,

The CRA has locked your account due to too many failed attempts to NetFile (5xTimes maximum). You should contact the CRA to **unlock the account ie specifically the transmission to Netfile ** and then wait at least 12 hours – 24 hours  to NetFile.  

Please note there is a difference between CRA myaccount and the CRA Netfiling account and not all CRA agents are aware of this.


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