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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello AnthonyFerns, Sorry to hear you are experiencing technical issues. Our IT team is working diligently to resolve the issue. We will advise you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding
  2. Hello SophieUfile2023 / PPL, **IMPORTANT : Please note, in order to carry forward a previous year, you must SAVE your tax file to PDF. These actions allow the program to retain your information and carry it forward to the following year automatically. IF you already created the current year file and did NOT save the prior year as a PDF, then you will have to delete the current year, save / PDF the prior year and then start the 2022 year file. Also verify that you do not have another username or E_Mail that you were using for UFile ONLINE.
  3. Hello c113113, If you are certain that the "transfer in kind" does not result in a taxable loss (or gain) then you can delete the T5008(s) in question. You should also confim with the bank why they issued T5008(s) if there is no tax impact.
  4. Hello Joey T, There is an issue in how you have entered the RSP / HBP data. If the above instructions do not resolve the issue. Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  5. Hello Ephrem, Error 121 - Please carefully complete both identification fields and try again. Please be reminded that you must use your most recent information regardless of the tax year of the return you are attempting to transmit. Your access will be locked after five unsuccessful attempts
  6. Hello Maria Perez, Normally this would go to a "Return for rights or things" - which is not available in UFIle*. Please contact the CRA or an accountant. *is available in our professional software DTMax T1: https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/dtprofessionalsuite/products/dtmax.html
  7. Hello lisah, All income reported on lines 10100 and 10400 is eligible for the Canada employment amount. Self-employed individuals are not eligible to claim this amount. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-31260-canada-employment-amount.html
  8. Hello Telescopic, This is correct : can i add him as my dependent while he can file his own file. You only add him to claim the credit and you do not NetFile, that is done in his own file. OAS and GIS are unaffected.
  9. Hello Trevor Kjorlien, "ufile warning t4a box 048 is present, make sure this amount is also included within a business grouping" . This is just a warning message. It should not prevent the NetFilling. However, please ensure that the total amount in box 048 is the same as T2125. FYI - here is a video T4A Box 048 – Multiple T4A’s / T2125 https://youtu.be/QjHnb2BM_4s
  10. Hello chanden, Your foreign pension may qualify for a tax deduction under the terms of a treaty signed between Canada and the originating country. If you do not know whether any part of your foreign pension is tax exempt, contact the CRA. To enter the amount of your foreign pension income, follow the steps below: 1. On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" select "Interview setup". 2. On the page that appears on the right, go to the "Investment income and expenses" group, check the box "Foreign income and foreign property (T1135)" and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Foreign income and property". 4- On the screen to your right, click on "Foreign pension income (includes U.S social security benefits)". 5. On the new generated page, go to the line "Country from where you received the foreign income". If your country signed a tax treaty with Canada, a deduction under 20(11) will not be allowed, enter the name of the country according to the list generated by the program. 6- For the line "Type of foreign pension income", choose the income that corresponds to your situation from the drop-down menu on your right. 7- For the line "Amount of foreign income received", enter the amount you received. If part or the entire pension is exempt from tax under an agreement or a tax agreement concluded between that country and Quebec or Canada, you can claim a deduction for income not taxable under a tax treaty. The International Tax Services Office of the Canada Revenue Agency can inform you about these tax treaties and arrangements. 8- Once this information is obtained, for the line "Income exempt under a tax treaty (leave blank for US social security benefits)", enter the amount. This amount will be reported on line 25600 of the federal return and line 297 of the Quebec return. The code 12 will be entered on Quebec line 296. This income will be generated by the program on lines 11500 of the federal return and 122 of the Quebec return for residents of that province. For more details, please consult the CRA's website, as well as Revenu Québec's website if applicable, via the following links: CRA: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-115-other-pensions-superannuation/line-115-pensions-a-foreign-country.html Revenu Québec: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/your-situation/income-earned-outside-quebec/pension-from-a-foreign-country/
  11. Hello ottawa, (1.) new immediate expensing rule (DIEP) It is unlikely this would apply to you. The government is proposing to expand eligibility for the $1.5 million temporary immediate expensing measure to investments in eligible property made by unincorporated businesses carried on directly by Canadian resident individuals (other than trusts) and certain eligible partnerships. This measure would be effective for investments made on or after January 1, 2022 that become available for use before 2025 (in the case of an individual or a partnership all the members of which are individuals) or before 2024 (for other partnerships). https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2022/02/expansion-of-the-eligibility-for-tax-support-for-business-investments.html (2.) Change of vehicles You have changed your vehicle in the tax year, and both vehicles - the old and the new - are in the same class of cars, namely the cars that are less than $30,000 before taxes. (for example - is same for over $30,000) At first, you must calculate all the expenses that you've incurred for both vehicles, such as fuel costs, insurance expenses and others. Furthermore, you will have to calculate the total kilometers (KM) traveled in the tax year as well as the number of kilometers traveled for business purposes. To do so, follow the steps below: 1- On the "Left side menu of the Interview tab", select the "Self-employment income" section. 2- Complete the "Business ID" and "Income, expenses" pages according to the information that you have. Click on "Next" at the bottom of the page after you've completed each page. 3- At the subsection "Motor vehicle expenses" page, in the first part, the information on your hold vehicle were carried over. Make sure that "Class 10" has been selected for the CCA class of the vehicle. 4- On the second (2nd) section of this page, "Addition of a vehicle" on line "Description of the vehicle and vehicle cost" enter a brief description of the car and its acquisition cost. 5- At the line "Application of half-year rule to current year additions", choose "Yes" from the drop-down menu. 6- In the third (3rd) section "Disposition of the vehicle", enter the information on selling your old vehicle. As the price sold you enter the total amount online "Proceeds of disposition of an asset". 7- For the line "ABC of the disposition", enter the Adjusted Cost Base of the vehicle sold. 8- At the line "Did you liquidate all asset in this class?" the answer is "No". 9- For the line "ACB of the disposition", indicate the total amount received in payment. If the proceeds of the disposition of the property exceed the ACB, the result will be a capital gain. 10- In this case, return to "Interview setup" and choose "Investment income and expenses" icon, check "Capital gains (or losses) and capital gain history" and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 11- You must enter the gain separately under the section "Capital gains (or losses) & ABIL" and on the screen to the right, select "Real estate, depreciable property and others properties" option. 12- On the page that appears, enter the information on the sale of your vehicle. 13- If you want to limit the CCA, for the line "Limit to the CCA of this vehicle (leave blank for maximum CCA)", enter the desired amount. Otherwise, leave the field blank to obtain the maximum CCA. The program will carry over the amounts on lines 9281 and 9936 of federal form T2125 and on lines 220 and 240 of Quebec form TP-80. Also, if you made a capital gain, Schedule 3, and schedule G for Quebec residents, will be generated by the program. For more information, consult the CRA's guide by clicking on the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4044.html NOTE: We suggest you keep a record for each year you claim expenses. Mainly for using your vehicle that statement must set out firstly, total kilometers traveled, and secondly the mileage for your job and all expenses incurred in the tax year.
  12. Hello Faith, You can not transfer from UFIle ONLINE to UFile Windows.
  13. Hello Ken Exner, Please log out and clear the cache (in Chrome CTL-H) and log back in. It should be ok
  14. Hello Nick K, Please select father and mother. Of note it is only to obtain the credits in your file and is not filed as such.
  15. Hello Taduro, Please double check that you do not have a duplicate T2125 opened by accident.
  16. Hello Smey, Schedule 7 is on the Tax Return page however you do not directly "insert into the schedule. It is is done from the T4RIF screen as per your T4RIF slip Example : portion of Box 16 transferred to a RRSP/PRPP - portion of Box 16 transferred to a RRIF
  17. Hello sam roberts, Sorry to hear you are experiencing technical issues. Our IT team is working diligently to resolve the issue. We will advise you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  18. Hello Raymond123, Sorry to hear you are experiencing technical issues. Our IT team is working diligently to resolve the issue. We will advise you as soon as possible.
  19. Hello bandeirasharma, This Error will arise if you attempt to NetFile a Return when you selected the option "No, I will mail it" within the NetFile Page under the Interview Tab. You must be sure to select the option "Yes (if eligible)" instead of “No, I will mail it" OR 1) For your kid's file, go to #2 Interview and on the left sidebar, click on "Ontario tax credits." 2) Click on "ON-BEN Application" and click on the +. 3) It will prompt you to look through all the information, but scroll to the final option where it says "Who should receive?" these benefits and simply select let "MaxBack" decide. (This section is about The Ontario Trillium Benefit and Senior Housing Benefits, if I recall correctly.) 4) Click on #5, NETFILE, at the top, and try to file it again OTHERWISE you should mail the tax return.
  20. Hello Mr.Riverview, For a T5 : Enter an exchange rate ONLY when your slip shows a currency code in Box 27. The average exchange rate for $US was 1.3013 in 2022, See the Bank of Canada's website (www.bankofcanada.ca) for other exchange rates. Exchange rate applying to ALL currency amounts recorded on this slip RL-3 Box 200 - Name of currency used200 For a T5008 : Foreign currency13 USD United States, dollar <---EXAMPLE USD Cost or book value20 Exchange rate applicable to the cost or book value Proceeds of disposition or settlement amount21 Exchange rate applicable to the proceeds of disposition or settlement amount Outlays and expenses related to the transaction Exchange rate applicable to the outlays and expenses related to the transaction
  21. Hello Mr.Riverview, For a T5 : Enter an exchange rate ONLY when your slip shows a currency code in Box 27. The average exchange rate for $US was 1.3013 in 2022, See the Bank of Canada's website (www.bankofcanada.ca) for other exchange rates. Exchange rate applying to ALL currency amounts recorded on this slip RL-3 Box 200 - Name of currency used200 For a T5008 : Foreign currency13 USD United States, dollar <---EXAMPLE USD Cost or book value20 Exchange rate applicable to the cost or book value Proceeds of disposition or settlement amount21 Exchange rate applicable to the proceeds of disposition or settlement amount Outlays and expenses related to the transaction Exchange rate applicable to the outlays and expenses related to the transaction
  22. Hello Tati, For the Error Code : 149-S if the above did not correct the issue you should contact the CRA. For HBP repayment UFIle calculates automatically based on the RRSP contributions and HBP minimum payment. 1. On the 'Left-side menu on the Interview tab'', select the ''RRSP contributions, limits''. 2. You must have contributed to your RRSP, PRPP or VRSP, in the period March to December, or in the period of January 1st to March 2nd of the following year. 3. Enter your contribution for the repayment of your HBP at the time of the payment made, either in the period "March to December 2022" or in the period of "First 60 days of 2022"; 4. Return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" and select "HBP, LLP and other plans and funds". On the screen to the right, choose "HBP Participation in an RRSP's home buyers' plan". 5. On the page that appears entitled "Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)", on the line "RRSP home buyers' plan repayable balance at start of 2022", enter the amount that appears on your Notice of Assessment from the previous year. 6. On the line "HBP amount that should be repaid in 2022 (on HBP statement from CRA)", enter the amount you must repay. // On the line " LLP amount that should be repaid in 2022 (on HBP statement from CRA)", enter the amount you must repay 7. On the line "Amount of RRSP contributions designated as your 2022 HBP repayment", enter the amount you repaid to your RRSP, PRPP or VRSP. 8. If you have not contributed to your RRSP, PRPP or VRSP, enter $0.00 and the amount will be transferred to line 12900 of the Federal return and to line 154 of the Quebec return, to be added to your total income. The HBP refund amount will be carried over by the program to "Part B of Schedule 7", on line 24600. However, if you have also contributed to your RRSP, the amount of the total contribution will be reported to the "Part A of Schedule 7", on line 24500. For more information, please consult the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/rrsps-related-plans/what-home-buyers-plan/repay-funds-withdrawn-rrsp-s-under-home-buyers-plan.html
  23. Hello JohnC, In UFile ONLINE you would create a separate account using their E_M address. In UFile Windows you would create a separate UFIle *.u22 file. Autofill Return (AFR) can be done independently in each account / file. You must enter the data manually : Identification and carry forwards (if applicable) : Manually enter carry forward They include: Carry Forward List: GST/HST rebate; QST rebate (QC); CNIL (Cumulative Net Investment Loss); some RPP (Registered Pension Plan) contributions; information related to RRSP, HBP (Home Buyer's Plan) LLP (Lifelong Learning Plan); Donations; Tuition; Investment tax credit; Investment Expenses (QC); ATM (Alternative Minimum Tax); Foreign Business tax credit; Moving Expenses; Provincial Tax credits; T2125 Self Employment Income - Capital Cost Allowance amount (CCA), T776 Rental Property - Capital Cost Allowance amount (CCA) and others.
  24. Hello Empressj99, In UFile ONLINE. Please close the browser and reopen the browser. Clear the cache (in Chrome CTl H / clear browsing data). If issue persists : Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  25. Hello Lillian Gogag, Please verify if these are warnings (reminders) or actual errors. If they are errors, than verify your data entry on the T4. If you still can not resolve : Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
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