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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello R2T2, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  2. Hello SML, UFile calculates moving expenses as per the CRA Guide : https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-21900-moving-expenses.html You may also send the file to us. Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  3. Hello Polina, This is only warning / reminder that may need to register with the CRA. Please contact the CRA. GST small supplier Who is a small supplier? Definition of small supplier ss 148(1) 1. A person is a small supplier during any particular calendar quarter and the following month if the total value of the consideration for world-wide taxable supplies, including zero-rated supplies, made by the person (or an associate of the person at the beginning of the particular calendar quarter) that became due, or was paid without becoming due, in the previous four calendar quarters does not exceed $30,000 or, where the person is a public service body, $50,000. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/2-2/small-suppliers.html#P51_1137
  4. Hello AnnaBOR, Clients have reported this is due to 1. This is often caused by an incorrect address OR 2. NON-DISPONIBILITÉ DES SERVICES EN LIGNE – RQ Server is down (unavailability of online services)
  5. Hello ontrariomedical, You are welcome. It would be best to contact CRA directly for more information.
  6. Hello ontrariomedical, UFIle has been correctly programmed. Please see below >>. 1) for a married couple in the year of death what is the definition of "family income"? >>As calculated on ON 479 - Ontario Credits : Enter your net income from line 23600 of your return. Line 7 Your spouse's or common-law partner's net income from line 23600 of their return (if applicable) Line 8 Line 7 plus line 8 = Line 9 Base amount -35,000 2) Assuming in 1 - both are effectively treated individually - then can a decreased spouse claim? >>Yes, including a situation where Deceased was 70 in 2022 and Surviving Spouse not 70. “If you had a spouse or common-law partner who died before December 31, 2022, and who was 69 years of age or older on December 31, 2021, you can claim this credit regardless of your age, if you meet all of the other conditions above. In that situation, do not include their net income in the calculation of your family's net income (line 8 of Form ON479). If your spouse or common-law partner died on December 31, 2022, include their net income in the calculation of your family's net income. If you are preparing a return for a resident of Ontario who died in 2022 and who was 69 years of age or older on December 31, 2021, you can claim this credit on their final return if they meet all of the other conditions above. In that situation, do not include the surviving spouse's or common-law partner's net income in the calculation of the deceased's family's net income (line 8 of Form ON479), unless the person died on December 31, 2022.” From the above would the interpretation be - the deceased spouse was not resident in Ontario on the last day of the year becuase they were deceased? >> Deceased Spouse was resident as per below. End of the year means any of the following dates: December 31, 2022, if you were a resident of Ontario on that date the date you left Canada if you emigrated in 2022 the date of death for a resident of Ontario who died in 2022 < - - - Date of death and not end of calendar year https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/tax-packages-years/general-income-tax-benefit-package/ontario/5006-pc/information-residents-ontario.html#senior-care
  7. Hello Jeff56, You are welcome. Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include your above notes. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  8. Hello CenaEmelly, For Day Trading here is an example – Note : please consult with an accountant Note that do not get Capital Gain 50% Inclusion >>Gross Sales >>Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) *Opening inventory *Purchases during the year *Closing inventory You don't need to determine the ACB for thousands of trades - you just need to know the ACB of the positions held at the beginning of the year "opening inventory' and end of year "ending inventory". Your Cost of Sales from the trading business will be Opening Inventory + purchases - Ending inventory. FYI : A day trader is a person who makes their living buying, selling securities. The Canada Revenue Agency looks at several factors to define investment professionals for purposes of taxation. If a taxpayer is using day trading as a way to earn or substantially supplement his income, he is not eligible to claim capital gains, and its advantageous tax rate, on those investment earnings. A person who works in the investment industry and makes frequent short-term investment turnovers, such as a stockbroker, for example, may be considered a day trader as well. The CRA looks at several factors to consider if a taxpayer is in the business of buying and selling securities. A professional investor will have many buying and selling transactions. Knowledge and experience with securities markets and transactions and time spent analyzing markets and investments also identify those engaged in investment as a business. Purchases may also be financed on margin or other debt, and the shares purchased generally won’t pay dividends. OF note, each securities transaction generates a T5008 slip, which identifies the purchaser by name and social insurance number, so the CRA can monitor. The size of the capital gains claimed may also factor into the determination that the taxpayer invests as a business. capital gains through Schedule 3
  9. Hello Jeff56 Employed and self-employed - Stop paying CPP contributions As a CPP working beneficiary, you must pay CPP contributions. If you are at least 65 years of age, but under 70, you can elect to stop contributing to the CPP. If you have both employment and self-employment income, you can elect to stop contributing to the CPP on any employment income earned outside Quebec by completing Form CPT30. Provide a copy of Form CPT30 to all your employers and send the original to the Canada Revenue Agency. The election takes effect on the first day of the month following the date you provide a copy of the completed form CPT30 to your employer. This date applies to both your employment and self-employment income earned outside Quebec. For more information on the changes to CPP rules, please visit the following links: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/payroll-deductions-contributions/canada-pension-plan-cpp/changes-rules-deducting-canada-pension-plan-cpp-contributions.html https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/payroll-deductions-contributions/canada-pension-plan-cpp/what-changes-cpp-contribution-rules.html You must indicate this choice. To do so, please follow these steps: 1 - On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Controls". 2 - On the page that appears, go to the section "If you had employment earning''. For the line 'Did you make a CPT30 election for the current taxation year?'', select "Yes" option in the drop-down menu. 3 - For the line "If you answered Yes to the question above, enter the effective election date (01-mm- 2022) to stop contributing to the CPP or to revoke an election made in a prior year to stop contributing to the CPP (from the CPT30 Part C)", select "Elect to stop contributing to the CPP" in the dropdown menu and in the field on the right, enter the date of your choice. 4 - Also, as a self-employed individual, you must answer the question "Do you want to stop contributing to the CPP on the self-employment income, or to revoke an election made in a prior year?" In your case, you must answer "Yes". 5 - For the line "If you answered Yes to the question above, enter the effective election date (01-mm- 2022 to stop contributing to the CPP (Schedule 8 L.372) or to revoke an election made in a prior year to stop contributing to the CPP (Schedule 8 L.374)", select "Elect to stop contributing to the CPP" in the dropdown menu and in the field on the right, enter the date of your choice.
  10. Hello Jon5g, You are using the wrong T4A entry. Please use T4A(P) T4A(P) : < - - -HERE Retirement benefit [14] [ ] Number of months - retirement [23] [12] Survivor benefit [15] Disability benefit [16] [ ] < - - -HERE Number of months - disability [21] < - - -HERE >>CPP or QPP benefits (box 20 of the T4A(P) slip) Line 11400 T4A : xNOT here Pension or superannuation [Registered pension plan] [016] [$20,000.00] >>Other pensions and superannuation (see line 11500 of the guide and line 31400 of the return) Line 11500
  11. Hello KATHIE OCONNOR, Please advance to Tab 3 Review and then click on “Click Here to Fix “.
  12. Hello Kamran, CRA Children’s Fitness and Arts Tax Credits Effective for the 2017 and subsequent taxation years, both credits will be eliminated. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/federal-government-budgets/budget-2016-growing-middle-class/childrens-fitness-arts-tax-credits.html Provincial Arts Tax Credits Only Manitoba and Yukon still have a children's arts tax credit. Discontinued Provincial Arts Tax Credits *BC Child Arts Tax Credit started in 2012. This is dependent on the Federal credit, which is eliminated for 2017. The BC September 2017 Budget announced that this tax credit, still available for 2017, not available after the 2017 taxation year. *Ontario Children's Activity Tax Credit - Refundable - eliminated for 2017 and later years
  13. Hello PeteH, Same principle applies to non USA foreign account(s).
  14. Hello PeteH, IF USA based brokeage can enter as one total as per below (if CRA wants the detail they will ask you - keep the account statements) Detailed reporting method In each of the tables below, provide the required details of each specified foreign property held at any time during the particular tax year. A taxpayer who held specified foreign property with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company is permitted to report the aggregate amount, on a country by country basis, of all such property in Category 7, Property held in an account with a Canadian registered securities dealer or a Canadian trust company. < - - - -IF CANADIAN broker For example Categories of specified foreign property Select the category of specified foreign property held at any time during the year 2. Shares of non-resident corporations (other than foreign affiliates) Description of property [MorganStanleyUSA_Account_SeeList] Country code [United States] Maximum cost amount during the year [$255,000.00] Cost amount at year end [$251,000.00] Income [$1,000.00] Gain (loss) on disposition [$0.00]
  15. Hello PeteH, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are subject to capital gains and losses. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-12700-capital-gains/completing-schedule-3/publicly-traded-shares-mutual-fund-units-deferral-eligible-small-business-shares-other-shares/tax-treatment-mutual-funds/you-calculate-your-capital-gains-capital-losses.html 1. On the left side menu on the "Interview " tab, select "Interview setup". 2. On the right-hand side of the screen, go to the "Investment income and expenses" group, check for "Capital gains (or losses) and capital gain history" and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the left side menu on the "Interview " tab, select the topic "Capital gains (or losses) & ABIL". 4. On the screen to your right, choose the option that applies to your situation and enter the information about the transaction. It is mandatory to indicate the "Date of disposition" as well as the "Total proceeds from sale", you should specify the ''Adjusted cost base of shares or property'' as you enter the cost of the ''Expenses incurred in making the disposition''. 5. Also, if you have requested a ''Reserve on disposition'' you must specify it. The net capital gain or loss will be reported by the program on Schedule 3 of the federal returns and, if applicable, on Schedule G of the Quebec returns. The capital gain will be reported on line 12700 of the federal return and Quebec residents to line 139 of the Quebec return. If you have incurred a loss, this will be recorded on both the federal and Quebec notices of assessment. For more information on capital gains and losses, consult the following links: For the CRA: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4037.html For Revenu Québec: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/online-services/forms-and-publications/current-details/in-120-v/
  16. Hello michael_ufile, It still provides a summary of Net Income / Deductions and SBD.
  17. Hello WellDone, To determine if you need to file taxes you will need to determine residency status. Tuition fees can be either used and / or carried forward. For income tax purposes, international students studying in Canada are considered to be one of the following types of residents: resident (includes students who reside in Canada only part of the year) non-resident deemed resident deemed non-resident Your residency status is based on the residential ties you have with Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/international-students-studying-canada.html
  18. Geo123

    Return not filed?

    Hello Bill S, You should either fix the error for the rejected file or mail it. To print and mail the tax returns : In Tab 4, at the bottom of the screen, select the PDF Icons : [PDF] Federal Print ~~~~~~~For the Instructions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T1 comparative summary TP1 comparative summary Assembly instructions p1 <- - - HERE Assembly instructions p2 You only need to send to CRA those pages with [CRA] printed on the top left hand corner. CRA - Address: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/where-mail-your-paper-t1-return.html
  19. Hello sue peters, UFile is free to try, it is not free. "Try it today for FREE. Even if you do not fall into any of these categories, we invite you to try UFile FOR FREE today. Prepare your taxes and pay only when you are ready to file!" https://www.ufile.ca/tips-and-tools/file-for-free
  20. Hello JBN, If the return was accepted then you can not file again (it will be rejected by the CRA). However you can ReFile. UFile allows to ReFILE your 2021 (and 2022 tax return) . Note for the prior tax years you should make the adjustment: T1-ADJ 1) If you tax return was successfully submitted, please go to « NetFile » tab [5]. - - - > Federal [ ] File accepted Click on "Federal submission" section. On the bottom right hand side of the page, click "Re-FILE". “If you need to electronically submit a modified federal return, please return to the left side menu under the interview and select CRA ReFILE.” < - - - CLICK ReFile NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. 2) Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". Follow the instructions on the page. NOTE: A new page "CRA ReFile" will appear in the left menu of the "Interview" tab. Select the section from the Left-side menu, then click "Federal ReFILE Mode". (on the left hand side of the page above Interview setup) Identification Current address CRA questions NetFile CRA ReFILE < - - --HERE CRA Auto-fill my return CRA Express NOA 3) Make the appropriate changes to your file.(same as in “normal” UFile) **VERY IMPORTANT! ** You cannot update your marital status, address, direct deposit or email address by using the service ReFILE. If you have split-pension you must mail it in using a T1 - ADJ. 4) Click "Review" tab, then click "NETFILE" tab. Tick the box "I agree with the ReFILE Terms and Conditions and Private Notice". Click "ReFILE my return now!". (is displayed at bottom right of NetFile screen "Select CRA REfile) -For Revenu Quebec same process applies but for Revenu Quebec ReFile Note that cannot refile with Quebec until you have received your assessment **prior years via CRA T1-ADJ
  21. Hello, (1) NAICS 54189 This code is not listed on the NAICS codes as per the CRA. It is listed as : 541899 All other services related to advertising Tous les autres services liés à la publicité (2.) Removing NAICS No, you should not have to recreate a business to modify the NAICS code. If issue persists : Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above note and the NAICS code you are trying to modify to. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  22. Hello Taduro, UFIle has tested Google 2FA, it is possible other authentication services work, however they have not been tested with UFile.
  23. Hello Alain D Employer: MyEmpExpenses Expenses of salaried employee Motor vehicle expenses Purchased vehicle "-" < - - - SELECT the "-" sign to delete Home office expenses Employment conditions
  24. Hello wesc, Click on Interview Setup (on left hand side of the screen) then go to the Interview section on the right hand of the screen. Select the [Self-employment] Section. Self-employed business income < - - - SELECT here You need to complete the immediate expensing limit agreement Investment tax credits T2125 - Business income OR T2125P - Professional income OR T2125C - Commission income >> Complete T2125 - Business identification >>Enter in Income/Expenses
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