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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello pm632 , • Check computer time and date and language so the compute can synchronize with the CRA. • Make sure your account access is up to date. • If you have Windows 10 or 11, download “Microsoft Edge Webviewer” at the following link (it may not have been bundled in your version): https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?Linkid=2124703 • Use the most recent version of the “Edge” browser. Also please check EDGE browser Settings: 1. Type "Internet options" in the Windows search menu. 2. Click "Internet Options". 3. Click on "Advanced" tab. 4. Scroll to the Security section, then check Use TLS 1.2. 5. Click OK, then close Edge. TLS v1.2 is enabled on the next start of Edge. Of note can also be effected by : Internet speed, computer memory/speed , network latency, CRA Server loads, anti-virus, firewall and the data within the download file.
  2. Hello TSLMYAH Please check with the CRA, to see if the rebate is connected to AIIP. ZEV Rebate : https://tc.canada.ca/en/road-transportation/innovative-technologies/zero-emission-vehicles/light-duty-zero-emission-vehicles/eligible-vehicles Column 4 – Cost of additions which are accelerated investment incentive properties (AIIP) or zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-22900-other-employment-expenses/capital-cost-allowance/calculate/part-a-classes-8-10.html
  3. Hello Rumble123, Please verify that you did not, by mistake, create a second T2125. If this still does not work, please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  4. Hello expresspotato, The GIFI information is required to respond to the issue. The only way for a T2 specialist to review a T2 GIFI issue is by seeing the file via our Help Support system.
  5. Hello artist_problems, If you received your scholarship or bursaries after completing all your courses, have you received a T4A slip with an amount in Box 105? If you are a Quebec resident, have you also received an RL-1 with an amount in box O, and the code RB? If you answer "Yes" to these questions, please follow the steps below: 1. On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" select the "Interview setup". 2. On the screen that appears on the right, go to the "Pension" group, check the box "Pension income, others income and split pension income (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032)", and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Pension income T4A". 4. On the page appearing to your right, click on the plus sign "+" icon to the right of the line "T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity and other income". 5. On the page that appears, scroll down to the line "Footnotes relating to specific T-slip entries and Box 135 (RL-2, Box 235)". 6. From the drop-down menu, choose "RL-1 (O) code RB - Scholarship, bursaries, prizes" and in the field to your right, enter the amount shown in Box 105 of the T4A. The amount will not be carried on line 13010 of the federal return. However, for residents of Quebec, you must follow the procedure below regarding Box O of the RL-1, Box O: 1. Again, on the page "T4A - Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other income", go to the line "Other Information (click on the triangle to see the list of choices)" in the center of the page. 2. Then, in the drop-down list, choose "(105) Scholarships, bursaries, fellowship" and in the box to the right, enter $ 0.00 for the federal and click on the icon of the "Maple Leaf" to open a field for Quebec and enter the amount in Box O of the RL-1. This amount will be carried over on line 154 of the Quebec return with code 01 at line 153. The amount will also be carried over on line 275 of the Quebec return. Subsequently, the program will deduct the amount on line 295 of the Quebec return. The amount on line 275 is important, considering that Quebec takes the family income into account for certain credits, especially those provided under Schedule B.
  6. Hello expresspotato, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially.Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  7. Hello, Please advance to Tab 3 Review and then click on “Click Here to Fix “. If you continue to have issues please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  8. Hello a_macv16 Please advance to Tab 3 Review and then click on “Click Here to Fix “. If you continue to have issues please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  9. Hello Boul01, To whom the CCA should be allocated Business Level 100% <---IF only one owner Partner Level <--If have business partner The rental portion only <--Do not use Portion % of CCA used for business or employment <--LEAVE blank There are two components to the Rental CCA : Building and Land. Building – Example CCA Class 1 - 4% Description of the asset: [MyRentalBldg] Opening balance of the undepreciated capital cost [$100,000.00] <- - - IF acquired in prior years you must estimate the current depreciated amount. You can consult with an accountant on determining this amount. To whom the CCA should be allocated [Business Level (full amounts-100%] <- - -MOST clients choose this. Portion (%) of CCA used for business or employment [ ] <- - -LEAVE blank if 100% Purchase date of the property [01-01-2019] ACB of the depreciable capital property in this class [$120,000.00] <- - -PURCHASE price Limit to the CCA of this class<- - - IF do not want to claim the maximum CCA Land - non depreciable property CCA Land - non depreciable property Description of the asset: [My Rental land] Opening balance of the undepreciated capital cost [$50,000.00] Purchase date of the property [01-01-2019] ACB of the capital property in this class [$50,000.00]
  10. Hello John911, If farm losses exceed $32,500 and the farmer is part-time, only $17,500 can be claimed as a farm loss against income for the year. If farm losses are less than $32,500, a formula must be used to determine the loss that can be claimed. In the Interview >> Self-employment income T2042C - Farming income (cash basis) + T2042 - Farming income (accrual basis) + Was farming the main source of income +? < - - - SELECT “+” (When farming is not the main source of income, all farming losses are restricted. A restricted farm loss occurs when farming is not your main source of income.) Indicate that farming was not the main source of income? Yes < - - - -YES = THAT IS WAS NOT >>T2042 : Your net income (loss) : Amount 5C minus line 9945 (enter this amount on line 14100 of your income tax and benefit return) [9946 ] [$amount] >>Worksheet (Federal) Line 14100 – Calculation of net farming loss Farming loss for the year [$amount] a $2,500 plus the lesser of: (i)1/2 ($loss amount) -2,500.00) [$amount] (ii) b [$amount] Deductible Farming Loss (lesser of lines a and b) [$amount] c Restricted Farm Loss to carry forward (line a minus line c) [$amount] d
  11. Hello PeteH, Canadian residents must file Form T1135 when the cost amount of their foreign property exceeds $100,000 at any time during the year. Does this mean that a person does not have to report income from foreign property where the cost amount of that property is below $100,000? Canadian resident taxpayers must report and include in their income for Canadian tax purposes all the income they earn from foreign property, regardless of the cost amount of the foreign property. If the cost amount of the taxpayer's foreign property exceeds $100,000, the taxpayer must also file Form T1135. The $100,000 threshold means that many Canadians do not need to comply with the reporting requirements of Form T1135, but this does not exempt them from paying tax on any income earned on such property. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/foreign-reporting/questions-answers-about-form-t1135.html#h2
  12. Hello PeteH, Please check with the CRA. You may be considered a non-resident of Canada if you did not have significant residential ties with Canada and: You lived outside Canada throughout the year (except if you were a deemed resident of Canada) You stayed in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/non-residents-canada.html
  13. Hello PeteH, Please check with the CRA. I checked the CRA website and do not locate anything relating directly to your question Questions and answers about Form T1135 This webpage addresses many of the more commonly asked questions about Form T1135. For more information or specific details, call the general enquires line at: 1-800-959-5525 for businesses, self-employed individuals, and partnerships 1-800-959-8281 for individuals (other than self-employed individuals) and trusts https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/foreign-reporting/questions-answers-about-form-t1135.html
  14. Hello PatrickBrault98, In the Interview Setup: Left hand side of screen : CRA Express NOA Interview setup < - - - CLICK Here T4 and employment income **On the Right Hand side of the Screen ** Go to the Section [Other topics]. Select “Other deductions and credits (including school supply and home buyers' amount)”. In the Section [Other credits] select “Federal line 31350 - Digital news subscription expenses ‘+’ ”. Complete the page: *Description of digital news subscription expenses, amounts in the $ field. click here. [Reuters] [$amount] *Enter the amount claimed by your spouse, if applicable This amount will automatically be carried over to line 31350 of your spouse's federal return. *Enter the amount claimed by another person (other than your spouse) You can claim up to $500 for amounts you paid in 2022 for qualifying subscription expenses. You must have paid the amounts for a digital news subscription to a qualified Canadian journalism organization (QCJO) that is primarily engaged in the production of original written news content and does not hold a licence broadcast. ~~~~~ Only the individual(s) who entered into the agreement for the subscription can claim the expenses. If you and another person can claim the same qualifying subscription expenses, you can split the claim for that digital news subscription expenses. However, the total amount of your claim and the other person's claim cannot exceed the maximum amount allowed for this credit. Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxfnEzFszuA
  15. Hello greg002, No technical / operations issues are currently reported on the UFile sites. Your files are secure. IMPORTANT Be sure to use the URL of https://secure.ufile.ca/account/login **AND NOT** https://secure2.ufile.ca/account/login Also please clear your cache if this address is in the browser cache. Please advise if the issue persists. For telephone support, please call: 1-888-633-8414 OR you can open a request ticket and submit a request on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  16. Hello FrustratedinAB, The ReFile confirmation number is issued by the CRA and can be found on the NetFIle tab (Tab 5) Filing status Federal submission Federal T1135 submission Acknowledgment report <----HERE
  17. Hello khadati, For Box 28 : Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.) [28] Exempt CPP/QPP (rare!) Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.) [28] Exempt EI (rare!) Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.) [28] Exempt PPIP (rare!)
  18. Hello yasdaz UFile Windows - Auto-Fill Return (AFR) : We have updated UFile 2018 to UFile 2020 (and was always included in 2021 and 2022) to use Microsoft EDGE which uses Edge WebView. (we no longer use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11). Note that this also applies to the AFR for 2021 and 2022. If you are receiving error messages, for AFR, relating to Internet Explorer (IE11) you should uninstall and reinstall your current versions of UFile 2018 to UFile 2020. Download the latest versions here : UFile CVITP >>Previous Versions: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011. Click on the year for the installation file required. https://www.ufile.ca/products/cvitp You should also verify if Edge WebView has been installed : C:\Program Files (x86)\UFile 2020\DTWebViewApp\bin\Release If it is not installed then go here to download the installation: Edge WebView installation from the official Microsoft website to download the installation file “MicrosoftEdgeWebview2Setup.exe” https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=2124703 Microsoft EDGE download : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge/download?form=MA13FJ
  19. Hello Mubashar, Non-capital loss current year When you apply non-capital losses against other sources of income, it lowers your taxable income for the year. This includes any loss incurred from employment, property or a business. If you have leftover non-capital losses or unapplied losses from previous years (check your notice of assessment or reassessment), you can generally carry these amounts back up to 3 years by using form T1A: Request for loss carryback. Line 25200 – Non-capital losses of other years Generally, a non-capital loss for a particular year includes any loss incurred from employment, property or a business. If your allowable business investment loss (ABIL) realized in the particular year is more than your other sources of income for the year, include the difference as part of your non-capital loss. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-25200-non-capital-losses-other-years.html
  20. Hello Max Don, If you are getting a reject from Revenu Québec regarding an invalid telephone number, please follow the steps below: Go to your spouse's "Interview" section. On the "Spouse Identification" page, answer "Yes but different phone number" to the question “Do you have the same address as your spouse?” Click "Next" at the bottom of the page. Enter your phone number in the "At home" field. Leave the other fields blank. Then try to submit your tax return again.
  21. Hello CharlesBurger, You are welcome.
  22. Hello khadati, CPP (not QPP) contribution for Quebec residents working in Ontario For people living in Quebec and working in Ontario, but who contribute to the CPP, Canada Pension Plan. The T4 slip you received from your employer shows CPP contributions in Box 16. Also, you received a RL-1 Box A. Please follow the steps below: 1. On the left-side menu of the " Interview " tab, select "Interview setup". 2. On the screen to your right, go to the "Employment and other benefits" group, check the box for "T4 income earned outside Quebec” and click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3. Return to the left-side menu on the " Interview " tab, select "T4 and employment income" and on the screen that appears on the right, click on the plus « + » icon to the right of the line "T4 income" and enter the amounts corresponding to the boxes found on your T4. 4. Return to the left-side menu on the " Interview " tab, select " T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid (RL-1) with QPP contributions" and on the screen that appears on the right, click on the plus « + » icon to the right of the line "T4 income" and enter the amounts corresponding to the boxes found on your T4. 5. On the new page that appears, you must enter the information displayed on your RL-1 slip as follows: a) "Box 14 - employment income": leave blank. b) "RL-1 box A - employment income": enter the amount in box A of the RL-1 slip. c) Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.) Exempt CPP/QPP (rare!) Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.) Exempt EI (rare!) Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP) (Warning: If exempt, see help.)28 Exempt PPIP (rare) d) "RL-1 box J - private health insurance plan": enter the amount in box J of the RL-1 slip. e) ''Box 40 - other taxable allowances and benefits (RL-1 Box L)'' (T4 slip box 40): enter the amount in box L. If there is no amount, leave blank. f) For the section "Other information (click on the triangle to see the list of choices)", choose "RL-1 (211) - Benefit related to previous employment (line Q102)" and enter the amount in box A (box 211) of the RL-1. *Note that this does not pertain to a T4 slip but to a Quebec RL-1 (Relevé 1) slip.
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