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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello, Please contact our office so we may assist you in reactivating your account. You may call us at 1-888-633-8414 (Mon-Fri 9-5, eastern time). You can open a request ticket and submit a request on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us. You may also send an email to "help@ufile.ca"
  2. Hello safiaajaz, Canada caregiver amount- Federal See the following link for the Canada Caregiver amount: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/canada-caregiver-amount.html To claim the caregiver amount, you must first add the person as a dependant, even if he or she is not a ?true? dependant ? except to calculate the credit. You can add more than one person if you were the caregiver for these individuals. To add a dependant to your file, please follow the steps below: 1. Under the "Interview" tab, on line "Family head" or the first person, click "Add a dependant" which is located to the right on this line, 2. Complete the "Dependant Identification" page. Please note that it is not possible to indicate in the field "Marital status" that the dependant is married or has a common-law spouse, because you cannot file the tax returns of the couple within your file. Therefore, in your file, you must choose "single" as the marital status of the dependant. To file the tax return of a dependant who has a spouse, you must do it in a separate family. 3. Even if you must add the dependant to your file in order to claim an amount for this person, please know that you are not required to file his or her tax return along with yours. In the "Dependant identification" page on the line "Does this taxpayer require a tax return?", answer "No" in the field located on your right. Once you have entered the dependant's information, please follow these steps: 1.On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" of the dependant's file, select "Medical and disability". 2.On the page generated on the right, click on the plus "+" icon to the right of the line "Infirmity and disability amounts for the dependant". 3.On the page entitled "Dependant's infirmity and disability", enter the required information. NOTE, you must answer the third line which reads as follows. "Does the dependant's infirmity provide entitlement to the Canada caregiver amount?" The answer is mandatory. 4. It should be noted that the CRA may ask for a signed statement from a medical practitioner indicating the nature of the impairment. The note should also indicate that this person depends on others because of this deficiency of physical or mental functions. 5. At the bottom of the "Dependant's infirmity and disability" page, you can share this amount with your spouse by answering the last four (4) questions. The program will generate Schedule 5 and fill complete the sections that best apply to the dependant's income and defer the schedule 5 non-refundable credit to line 30400. In addition, if the person has a disability, if applicable, the "Disability Amount" will be transferred to line 31800 of your federal return if the dependent's income is not too high. FOR QUEBEC ONLY : There are two components to the tax credit for caregivers. 1. The first is for caregivers providing care to a person aged 18 or over who has a severe and prolonged impairment and needs assistance in carrying out a basic activity of daily living. 2. The second is for caregivers providing care to and living with a relative aged 70 or over. Amount of the tax credit Caregiver living with a person 18 or over with an impairment (Part B of Schedule H) You may be entitled to a $1,299 tax credit and an additional amount of up to $1,299 if all of the following conditions are met: You provided care to a care receiver 18 or over with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions. You lived with the care receiver. You lived with the care receiver in a dwelling of which you, your spouse (if he or she also lived with you), the care receiver or the care receiver's spouse (if he or she also lived with you) was an owner, tenant or subtenant. You lived with the care receiver for at least 365 consecutive days, including at least 183 days in 2022. The care receiver lived in Canada the entire time you lived with them. Caregiver not living with a person 18 or over with an impairment (Part C of Schedule H) You may be entitled to a tax credit of up to $1,299 if all of the following conditions are met: You provided care to a care receiver 18 or over with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions. UFile : *Does this infirmity provide entitlement to the Canada caregiver amount? Yes *Are you eligible for the amount for a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions on Quebec line 376? Claim disability amount (default) *Does the person need assistance to perform a basic activity of daily living? (Certified by a health professional on line 46 of Form TP-752.0.14-V) You provided care to the care receiver for at least 365 consecutive days, including at least 183 days in 2022. The care receiver lived in Canada the entire time you cared for them. Caregiver living with a person (not his or her spouse) 70 or over without an impairment (Part D of Schedule H) You may be entitled to a $1,299 tax credit if all of the following conditions are met: You lived with a care receiver (not your spouse) 70 or over without an impairment. You lived with the care receiver in a dwelling of which you, your spouse (if he or she also lived with you), the care receiver or the care receiver's spouse (if he or she also lived with you) was an owner, tenant or subtenant. You lived with the care receiver for at least 365 consecutive days, including at least 183 days in 2022. The care receiver lived in Canada the entire time you lived with them. https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/income-tax-return/completing-your-income-tax-return/how-to-complete-your-income-tax-return/line-by-line-help/451-to-480-refund-or-balance-due/line-462/point-2/
  3. Hello The HST number must be in the format accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) example: 123456789RT0001. NOTE : this requirement is now removed by the CRA.
  4. Hello Sverdlov1917, You are welcome.
  5. Hello PatD, Please use the link below. If you can not download then check your anti-virus / firewall / VPN settings. 2010 https://cdn.ufile.ca/ufile/UF2010YE495TGKS9X6DS/UFile2010.exe
  6. Hello ElliesQueries, Please verify that your UFile Windows software is up to date : >>Open UFile Win >> Settings (top right hand corner “*” >> Check for updates (Can also check automatically when open application. Check for updates automatically)
  7. Hello Sverdlov1917, Go to Interview >> Interview setup >> [Employment and other benefits] Section Select the appropriate category : *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for an employee earning commission income *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for an employee earning a salary *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for forestry operations *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for a salaried musician *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for an apprentice vehicle mechanic, painter, body repairer *T777 - Eligible employment expenses for a tradesperson FYI : Can be claimed All salaried employees and commission employees can claim electricity heat water utilities portion (electricity, heat, and water) of your condominium fees Footnote 1 home internet access fees Footnote 2 maintenance and minor repair costs Footnote 3 rent paid for a house or apartment where you live Footnote 4 Commission employees can also claim home insurance property taxes lease of a cell phone, computer, laptop, tablet, fax machine, etc. that reasonably relate to earning commission income Cannot be claimed Salaried employees and commission employees cannot claim mortgage interest principal mortgage payments home internet connection fees furniture capital expenses (replacing windows, flooring, furnace, etc)Footnote 5 wall decorations https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-22900-other-employment-expenses/work-space-home-expenses/expenses-can-claim.html
  8. Hello Susan TL, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  9. Hello Stacey77, UFile T2 is designed for a CCPC (Canadian Controlled Private Corporation). For other types of corporations, such as box 5 "Other Corporation" we recommend using our professional tax software – DTMax T2. Please contact us : Sales Department 1 866 653-8629 / DT-sales@thomsonreuters.com DTMax Overview: https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/dtprofessionalsuite/products/dtmax.html DTMax T2 : https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/dtprofessionalsuite/products/dtmax/dtmaxt2.html
  10. Hello Shauns72, If you have to prepare 10 years of tax returns, we recommend you purchase UFile Online. Each year costs $19.95 plus tax for an individual. If your total income is under $20,000, the tax return is free. If you are a student and have the T2202 form in your return, the tax return is free. To access UFile Online, please click on the following link: https://www.ufile.ca/products/ufile-online Please note UFile 12 is for people who have multiple returns to produce for family members and friends in the same year. Should you decide to use UFile Online, we will provide a free voucher to complete one tax year for free. To take advantage of this offer, please contact UFile Support. Please open a request ticket, and include the above note, on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us - ATTN : Geo
  11. Hellobaneenab85 , In UFIle : Saskatchewan tax credits >>Saskatchewan post-secondary graduate - unused amounts >>RC360 - Saskatchewan graduate retention program tuition rebate The Graduate Retention Program (GRP) rewards graduates living in Saskatchewan by providing a rebate up to $20,000. To be eligible, you have to live and file an income tax return in Saskatchewan. Tuition Rebate Amount Your rebate will be based on the tuition you paid. It is indicated on T2202A tax receipts issued by your post-secondary institution. Your maximum tuition rebate is based on your program. Program Tuition Rebate Maximum 1 year Certificate, Diploma or Journeyperson $3,000 2 or 3 year Certificate or Diploma $6,400 3 year Undergraduate Degree $15,000 4 year Undergraduate Degree $20,000 https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/education-and-learning/graduate-retention-program
  12. Hello Shauns72, UFIle 12 2022 is only for the tax year 2022 and can not be used for other tax years. To purchase other years please see the link below : https://www.ufile.ca/products/prior-tax-years-for-ufile
  13. Hello Raymond5, FYI : A day trader is a person who makes their living buying, selling securities. The Canada Revenue Agency looks at several factors to define investment professionals for purposes of taxation. If a taxpayer is using day trading as a way to earn or substantially supplement his income, he is not eligible to claim capital gains, and its advantageous tax rate, on those investment earnings. A person who works in the investment industry and makes frequent short-term investment turnovers, such as a stockbroker, for example, may be considered a day trader as well. The CRA looks at several factors to consider if a taxpayer is in the business of buying and selling securities. A professional investor will have many buying and selling transactions. Knowledge and experience with securities markets and transactions and time spent analyzing markets and investments also identify those engaged in investment as a business. Purchases may also be financed on margin or other debt, and the shares purchased generally won’t pay dividends. OF note, each securities transaction generates a T5008 slip, which identifies the purchaser by name and social insurance number, so the CRA can monitor. The size of the capital gains claimed may also factor into the determination that the taxpayer invests as a business. capital gains through Schedule 3
  14. Hello Dill, If the CRA is rejecting the Access code, then you have the wrong code as per the CRA. Your unique Access code (8 characters) can be found on your Notice of Assessment (NOA) for a previous tax year. This eight-character Access code is made up of numbers and letters and is located on the right side of your NOA. The placement and labelling of the Access code differs slightly depending on the version of the NOA you are looking at, but will always be on the right side of the NOA. On the paper version of your NOA as well as the PDF version in My Account, the Access code is not labelled, but can be found directly underneath the Date issued at the top right of the page. If you are viewing your NOA in My Account or using the Express NOA service in certified tax software, the Access code is found directly under the Notice details box at the top right of the page. OR Call the CRA 800-959-7383 The NAC is not required to NetFile. While this Access code is not mandatory, if you do not enter your Access code, you will not be able to use any information from your 2022 tax return when confirming your identity with the Canada Revenue Agency. You will have to rely on other information for authentication purposes.
  15. Hello ECM9891, Issue is resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  16. Hello ECM9891, Sorry to hear you are experiencing technical issues. Our IT team is working diligently to resolve the issue.
  17. Hello hoeman.1, No, you can not import the details from a PDF file, you must enter each line individually. For the carry forwards here is a list of the common ones : NIL Cumulative investment expenses - federal CNIL Cumulative investment income - federal CNIL Quebec (net) RRSP Eligible amount RRSP Room from previous years RRSP PSPA from previous year RRSP Undeducted premiums HBP - Outstanding amount to repay HBP - Number of years left HBP - Amount to repay annually LLP - Outstanding amount to repay LLP - Number of years left LLP - Amount to repay annually Donations - federal (see details) Donations - Quebec (see details) Donations - Amount for cultural patronage (Quebec) Investment expenses - amount that can be carried forward Medical - 2022 Quebec drug insurance plan premium paid (Federal only) Medical - 2022 Quebec drug insurance plan premium paid (Fed./Que.) Tuition and educations amounts - federal Tuition and educations amounts (20%) - Quebec Tuition and educations amounts (8%) - Quebec Interest paid on a student loan - federal (see details) Interest paid on a student loan - Quebec Canada training credit limit for 2023 Investment tax credit Moving expenses - federal Moving expenses - Quebec Cost of labour-sponsored funds shares acquired (Jan/Feb 2023) - Federal FTQ (or CSN) - cost of shares acquired - Quebec Fondaction - cost of shares acquired (25%) - Quebec Fondaction - cost of shares acquired (20%) - Quebec Supporting documents Fondaction - cost of shares acquired (15%) - Quebec
  18. Hello Carol2002, Unlike the T2125 Business there is no "Home Office Expenses" section on the Schedule T776. Go to Interview >> T776 - Rental income property >>Rental property income and expenses >>Expenses * Office expenses
  19. Hello GV516, Please advance to Tab 3 Review and then click on “Click Here to Fix “. If this does not clarify the issue please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  20. Hello GTOG, All workers aged 65 to 70 years old must pay CPP contributions, even if they are receiving a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) retirement pension. As a recipient of the CPP who is working, you have to contribute to the CPP unless you are in one of the following situations: a) You work in Quebec. b) Your employment is not subject to CPP. c) You are a self-employed worker and you live in Quebec. d) You are at least 65 years old but less than 70 and have made an election to stop contributing to the CPP. The program will produce a warning to inform you that you must indicate whether you have made a selection, because relevant information must be entered in the "Controls" section of the software. To stop contributing to the CPP, you must have received CPP benefits and you must have received a T4A (P) slip. An election filed using Form CPT30 applies to all income from pensionable earnings, including self-employment earnings. As a self-employed individual, if you do not wish to contribute to the CPP, please follow the steps below: 1- On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Controls" option. 2- On the "Canada Pension Plan" section, under "If you had employment earnings:", go to the question "Did you make a CPT30 election in 2022?". If you had both employment income and self-employment income in 2022 and wanted to elect to stop paying CPP contributions in 2022, answer "Yes" from the drop-down menu, then enter the election date. 3- On the section, "If you had self-employment income (see help?)", go to question "Did you want to stop contributing to the CPP on self-employment income?". 4- For the question, "If you answered Yes to the question above, enter the election date (01-mm- 2022 ) to stop contributing to the CPP (Schedule 8 L.50372) or to revoke an election made in a prior year to stop contributing to the CPP (Schedule 8 L.50374) ", click on the drop down menu and select "Elect to stop contributing to the CPP"and in the box to your right enter the date "(dd-mm-yyyy). 5 - Click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. Schedule 8 will be generated by the program. In Part 3, the software will calculate your CPP contributions on employment income. In Part 4, the software will calculate CPP contributions on self-employment income and you had no employment income. In Part 5, the software will calculate for the CPP contribution on self-employment income, when you had an employment income. For more information on the changes to the CPP rules, please visit the following links: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/payroll-deductions-contributions/canada-pension-plan-cpp/changes-rules-deducting-canada-pension-plan-cpp-contributions.html https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/newsroom/tax-tips/tax-tips-2013/workers-aged-60-over-make-sure-you-clear-on-cpp-contribution-rules.html
  21. Hello RyoN, RE : UFile T2 - YEAR-END IS PAST THE VERSION CERTIFICATION EXPIRY DATE. THIS ERROR PREVENTS TAX CALCULATIONS This means the CRA has not yet certified the software, you must wait at least 3 months after the year end, depending on the CRA.(it can be less) Example : If you have a T2 Tax Return with year end Nov 30, 2022 we anticipate the release should be available (certified by the the CRA) in February 2023. Latest certification : June 30, 2023 certification : Jun 21 UFile T2 Online v26.30 release
  22. Hello sajjvino, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include above details and your residency status as per CRA (as opposed to your citizenship) Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  23. Hello Yroc, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
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