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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Hello Babs, Here is the Link : https://cdn.ufile.ca/ufile/UF2021BNGH36GHVFENB469KL3CMO9/ufile2021.exe
  2. Hello Steve Stewart, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  3. Hello JeffG, Please check Schedule 7 and the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) Schedule
  4. Hello MontrealTax, You can only claim the actual expenses incurred and paid by the home office owner or tenant. If you wish you can share the expenses but not double them.
  5. Hello overtaxed, For Confirmation - You did not receive old age security pension In the Interview please go to >>Pension and retirement income >> Confirmation - You did not receive old age security pension “+” <- - - SELECT THIS You were age 65 or over on December 31, 2022, and had not received old age security pension - T4A(OAS). *Confirmation that no old age security pension (T4A(OAS)) was received in 2022? Yes <- - -Enter Yes
  6. Hello WellDone, Line 22215 - Deduction for CPP or QPP enhanced contributions on employment income You can claim a deduction for the enhanced contributions on CPP and QPP pensionable earnings you made through your employment income. Whether you contributed to the CPP or QPP, the maximum allowable deduction is $460.50. For more information, see Schedule 8 or Form RC381, whichever applies.
  7. Hello Michelle007, Lines 33099 and 33199 – Eligible medical expenses you can claim on your tax return To enter medical expenses : >>>Interview setup [Interview setup (left hand navigation pane - - beneath “CRA Express NOA”) >> Double click the interview setup] >>>>Go to Right Hand Screen - Interview SetUp >>>>Common tax deductions >> Medical expenses, disability, caregiver IF Dependant or Spouse Medical expense s/b in SPOUSE or DEPENDANT’s tab – (UFIle will optimize the allocation / transfer to Family Head or Spouse) CRA medical expenses : https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/lines-33099-33199-eligible-medical-expenses-you-claim-on-your-tax-return.html
  8. Hello pele, To enter an amount of a bursary or scholarship shown in Box 105 of a T4A slip, or for Quebec residents, in box O code RB of an RL-1 slip, please follow these steps: 1 - On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Interview setup". 2 - On the page to the right, go to the group "Pension", check the box "Pension income, other income and split pension (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032)" then click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. 3 - Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Pension income, T4A" and on the screen to the right, click on the plus "+" symbol next to the line "T4A - Pension, retirement, annuity, and other income". 4 - On the page that appears, go to the line "Other information (click on the triangle to scroll the list of choices)" in the middle of the page, you must choose one of two (2) options, For the full-time program, select the option "(105)) Scholarships, Maintenance or Perfection (Box O RB Code)", if your program is part-time choose the option "(105) Scholarships". prog. part-time (box O code RB)"in the drop-down menu and in the field to your right enter the amount. 5 - NOTE - If you have received a scholarship for a part-time program, go to "Tuition, education, texts books, student loans" on the page that appears, click on the sign icon plus "+" located to the right of the line "Part-time program details if you received scholarship, fellowship and bursary income to be included at line 13010". 6 - Enter the name of the program and on the second line "Tuition fees and costs of part-time education program-related material paid for current year". This amount will be used to deduct part, or all the scholarship related to a part-time study program; 7 - For Quebec residents, if the amount in Box O of the RL-1 differs from the one shown on the T4A slip, click on the "Maple Leaf" icon to the right of the field. Another field will appear and enter the amount shown in Box O of your RL-1. This box will only be displayed if you have previously entered the federal amount or $0,00 if you have not received a T4A slip. The amount will be transferred by the program to line 13010 of the federal return and line 154 of the Quebec return, and Code 01 will be entered on Quebec line 153 (if applicable). However, if you are enrolled in full-time postsecondary studies, no amount will be entered on line 13010 of the federal return. For part-time students, an amount could be reported on line 13010 of the federal return. It will be the amount of the scholarship minus the $500 basic exemption + the amount you entered at point 6. For residents of Quebec, there is no impact, an amount will appear on line 295 of the Quebec return to reduce the amount on line 154. For more information, please consult the following links; For the CRA: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-130-other-income/line-130-scholarships-fellowships-bursaries-study-grants-artists-project-grants-awards.html
  9. Hello Tatiana81, RE : Line 25300 - Net capital losses of other years AND Line 12700 - Capital gains. If you have both capital gains and capital losses, you can offset the capital gains with capital losses until you reach zero. If you only have capital losses, the CRA allows you to use the capital loss to offset a capital gain you originally declared in the previous 3 years (Loss carryback), or you are allowed to carry forward the capital loss into the future Capital Loss Carry Forward To enter prior year Capital losses please go to : >>Interview Set Up >> Carryforward amounts and prior year information >>Losses of prior years, carrybacks >>Select appropriate class eg. Stocks/Bonds = Net capital losses of other years >>Enter Capital loss Capital Losses will offset capital gains as follows : CRA : Line 25300 - Net capital losses of other years / Line 12700 - Capital gains. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-25300-net-capital-losses-other-years.html
  10. Hello dantorontotax, Formerly referred to as the Equivalent-to-Spouse amount, the Amount for an Eligible Dependant Credit is a Non-Refundable Tax Credit designed for single adults who are not claiming the spouse/common-law partner credit and who are responsible for the financial care of a child or relative. Amount for an eligible dependent You may be able to claim this amount if, at any time in the year, you met all the following conditions at once: * You do not have a spouse or common-law partner; * You supported a dependant in 2022; * You lived with the dependant in a home that you maintained. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you. In addition, at the time you met the above conditions, the dependant must also have been either. * Your parent or grandparent by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption; * Your child, your grandchildren, brother or sister and she is under 18 years of age or has, an impairment in physical or mental functions. To claim the amount for an eligible dependant, you must first create the dependant's file. To create this file, follow the steps below: 1. On the "Interview" tab, click on "Add dependant" on the line to the right; 2. On the page entitled "Dependant identification", enter the dependant's information. Please note that the lines followed by a red asterisk are mandatory fields. 3. If the dependant is an adult, you must complete the page "CRA questions", as well as the "Revenu Québec questions" for residents of Quebec and claim the solidarity tax credit. 4. If you have multiple several dependents, repeat step 1. Once the dependant's file has been created, and you meet the eligibility criteria (see link below), the program will make the claim for the eligible dependant amount automatically with no additional entries required. If you have 2 or more children, the program will automatically select the child for whom the eligible dependant amount will be claimed. However, if you want to choose a specific child for this claim, please follow these steps: 1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" of the child's file, located on the left-hand side, click on "Controls". 2. Then, on the page appearing on the right, select "Let MaxBack decide" to the question "Claim this dependant as the eligible dependant on federal 30400?". The program will claim the eligible dependant amount on line 30400 of the Federal return, and line 5816 of your provincial forms (other than Quebec, which does not have an equivalent form). In addition, Schedule 5 will be generated by the program.
  11. Hello PAPER FILING, In Tab 4, at the bottom of the screen, select the PDF Icons : [PDF] Federal Print [PDF] Quebec Print ~~~~~~~For the Instructions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T1 comparative summary TP1 comparative summary Assembly instructions p1 <- - - HERE Assembly instructions p2 CRA - Address: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/where-mail-your-paper-t1-return.html RQ : Revenu Quebec Address: Revenu Québec 3800, rue de Marly C. P. 25000, succursale Terminus Québec (Québec) G1A 1A8
  12. Hello Tony.Tao, For Family Head / Spouse : Click on >>Interview setup (Left side of screen) >>Go to Interview setup (right side of screen) >>Section [Specific situations] >>No income to report in 2022 <---HERE Immigrant, emigrant, non resident taxpayer, you are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in the year Tax return for a deceased person Tax return for a Status Indian Prison in 2022 Legal representative or guardian For Dependant : Situation on December 31, 2022 Click the ? of each of the next two lines in case of specific situations (emigrant, deceased person) Province of residence on December 31, 2022 Marital status on December 31, 2022 Did this dependant have any income in 2022? <----HERE
  13. Hello EStephen, For those who have issues downloading .exe files, here are the download links for the zip files: UFile 2022 => https://cdn.ufile.ca/ufile/UF2022AMGH48YHVNENB238L3C9T3Z/ufile2022.zip
  14. Hello jvalenti, For a Quebec resident with T4 in Ontario : In Interview >>T4 and employment income T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with CPP contributions T4 income earned outside Quebec < - - - SELECT HERE T4E - Employment insurance and other benefits (RL-6)
  15. Hello naadiam, You should be able to locate the file by : Open Windows File Explorer (Hold down the Windows Key on your keyboard and tap ‘E’, then release the Windows key). In the left-hand pane, select the location. Example: This Computer or Local Disk (C:). Move your mouse pointer over the search box on the top right-hand corner of your screen and press your left mouse button. Type a portion of the exact name of the file and press enter for File Explorer to work on your result. eg. *.u22
  16. Hello Rebic, You should contact the CRA to **unlock the account ie specifically the transmission to Netfile ** and then wait at least 12 hours to NetFile. Please note there is a difference between CRA myaccount and the CRA Netfiling account and not all CRA agents are aware of this. CRA Tel. : 1-800-267-6999
  17. Hello CGT, To NetFile you need the NAC (NETFILE Access Code)
  18. Hello SDBC, Windows 7 and Windows 7 PRO both can not support UFile Win buy you may be able to use UFile ONLINE. The issue is the SSL protocol and CRA NetFile. FYI : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/what-is-the-difference-between-windows-7/d599ff3f-3bd9-44cb-b454-759fff667359
  19. Hello p4ers3, Yes class 54 CCA is implemented. Please be sure to enter as in following example : Example – Employment Expenses Purchased vehicle : Make of vehicle ZEV Purchase date of the vehicle 01-01-2022 Kilometres travelled to earn employment income [1000] Total kilometres you drove in the tax year [2000] Description and amount of capital additions of AIIP: <---SELECT AIIP [ZEV] [$50,000.00] Description of the vehicle [ZEV] Adjusted cost base of the vehicle [$50,000.00] Statement of Employment Expenses Allowable motor vehicle expenses (see chart for line 3 on page 2 25,000 <---1000/2000 * 50,000 T777 - Employment expenses p3 Capital cost allowance (depreciation) schedule for employees Part A – Classes 8, 10, 54, and 55 : Col 1 Class 54 Col 3 Cost of Additions 50,000 Col 12 CCA 50.000 Col 13 UCC Ending 0
  20. Hello NRJ, Please logout and login back in. The error should disappear.
  21. Hello flash_os, It appears to be correct. Please also verify schedule 3 (Quebec Schedule G) Capital Gains schedule
  22. Hello RoySmith, It is a warning (notification) and not an error, that the names have been shortened. You can edit the names, if you wish, but it is safe to NetFile.
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