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Everything posted by Geo123

  1. Bonjour cc1, 1.34 Dans le cas où il n’existe pas de personne assumant les frais d’entretien d’un enfant admissible pour l’année et où un enfant vit avec chaque parent à un moment différent au cours de l’année (par exemple, en cas de garde partagée), les deux parents peuvent demander une déduction pour l’année, comme le prévoient les numéros 1.38 à 1.42. Un parent peut demander une déduction seulement pour les frais de garde d’enfants qu’il a engagés au cours de l’année où l’enfant admissible a résidé avec lui et uniquement dans la mesure où les frais ont été payés par lui afin de lui permettre d’exercer l’une des activités énumérées au numéro 1.9. Dans les cas de ce genre, l’ARC considère généralement que chacun des parents réside avec l’enfant pendant qu’il en a la garde. https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-revenu/services/impot/renseignements-techniques/impot-revenu/folios-impot-revenu/serie-1-particuliers/folio-3-questions-liees-a-unite-familiale/folio-impot-revenu-s1-f3-c1-deduction-frais-garde-enfants.html
  2. Hello benbran, If you purchased the Family Head Promo. It is good for one tax return and two dependants. The Spouse tax return is $14.00 extra. The Spouse is not considered a Dependant.
  3. Hello Okynnor, If it is a Capital Loss it will be carried forward by UFIle next year - no need for the T1 Adj.
  4. Hello ilovet1s Thanks. You should also verify if Edge WebView has been installed : C:\Program Files (x86)\UFile 2020\DTWebViewApp\bin\Release If it is not installed then go here to download the installation: Edge WebView installation from the official Microsoft website to download the installation file “MicrosoftEdgeWebview2Setup.exe” https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=2124703
  5. Hello PhilOttPub, Immediate expensing and CCA are optional deductions from CRA’s perspective. For eligible property acquired and available for use from January 1, 2022, until December 31, 2024. Designated Immediate Expensing Property (“DIEP”) generally includes all depreciable capital property, other than property included in Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) classes 1 to 6, 14.1, 17, 47, 49 and 51. In addition, DIEP must meet EITHER of the following conditions: • The property has not been used for any purpose before it was acquired by the eligible person AND is not a property for which CCA was claimed by any person or partnership before the property was acquired OR • The property was not transferred on a rollover basis OR acquired from a non-arm’s length party. The maximum deduction is equal to the lesser of: • The immediate expensing limit for the taxation year ($1.5 million subject to the allocation requirements among the associated group and pro-rated for short taxation year) • The UCC of the DIEP before claiming any CCA deductions for the year. If the business is operated personally or in a partnership, immediate expensing cannot be used to create or increase a loss, but it can be used to reduce taxable income of the business in which the property is used to zero. In many cases an individual taxpayer would want to make use of the lowest tax brackets and their personal tax credits, so it may be prudent not to claim all of the immediate expense deduction that is available. If an asset is bought and sold in the same taxation year the property will not qualify as a DIEP. To claim, “Immediate expensing”, please follow the steps below: 1. In your business statement, either a T2125 Statement of Business or Professional Activities or in your T776 Statement of Real Estate Rentals, select your CCA category. 2. Enter the asset as a new addition under the heading: a. “Dates (dd-mm-yyyy), Description and amount of capital additions (other than AIIP)” or b. “Dates (dd-mm-yyyy), Description and amount of capital additions of AIIP” 3. On the line “Limit the eligible amount for immediate expensing of capital additions (other than AIIP), or on the line ““Limit the eligible amount for immediate expensing of capital additions of AIIP”, enter the amount you wish to claim for your immediate expense. All capital additions made after December 31, 2021 will be considered eligible for immediate expensing. Please enter $0 within the addition type limit if you do not want to claim the immediate expensing. 4. The amount will appear in column 9 of Area A and on line 9936 of your business statement. Note: the amount claimed will be the lesser of column 9 and column 18 of Area A of the CCA Class. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2022/02/expansion-of-the-eligibility-for-tax-support-for-business-investments.html You must also complete the DIEP Agreement – even if you are the sole owner and proprietor Use this page if you are an eligible person or partnership Example – sole propreitor Agreement between associated eligible persons or partnerships (EPOPs) Federal *Are you associated in the fiscal period with one or more EPOPs with which you have entered into an agreement under subsection 1104(3.3) of the Regulations? >>Yes Select the type of EPOP Applicant person Percentage of immediate expensing limit assigned to each associated eligible person or partnership (EPOP) 100% Signing date and title or position of signing officer 01-01-2022 Owner For residents of Quebec Form TP-130.AD-V will be generated in your tax return. The amount will appear on line 460 of your TP-80 Business or Professional Income and Expenses. The amount claimed will appear on line 393 of your TP-128 Income and Expenses Respecting the Rental of immovable property. For more information on this topic, please visit the website below: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/businesses/income-tax/partnerships-and-income-tax/principal-changes-for-2022-in-the-partnership-information-return/ https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2022/02/expansion-of-the-eligibility-for-tax-support-for-business-investments.html
  6. Hello Marco Trejo, There should only be one. Please log out and log back in. If issue persists ignore the second one.
  7. Hello Alvaro, Please check with an accountant. FYI For the CO-17 Small business deduction SBD to apply in Quebec, the user needs to enter the number of hours paid for employees in the Quebec jurisdiction page. The tax rates are calculated in Part 9 of the CO-771. Should be at least 5,500 hours (5,000 in 2020) hours to take effect
  8. Hello ilovet1s, Are you using UFile Windows or UFile ONLINE? For which year ?
  9. Hello Media Mike, For the authorization it’s better to do it before 900 or after 1900 ET as we are experiencing a very high volume at this time of year **Authorization – **do not click WAIT** If get “These pages aren’t responding” **do not click WAIT** - - - >Can take up to 5 minutes as it is running an encryption routine with various actions occurring. It also depends on the anti-virus / firewall, VPN, internet connection and network latency.
  10. Hello Nina Noble, Please try again. There are currently no technical / operations issues reported by the IT / OPS teams on any of our websites / systems.
  11. Hello Bobbyboi, To limit (carry forward) tour RRSP contributions go to Interview >> RRSP contributions, limits : RRSP or PRPP/VRSP deduction to use in 2022 RRSP or PRPP/VRSP deduction to use (leave blank to use all your contributions as a deduction) To save RRSP contributions for future years, enter the portion of RRSP contributions that you wish to use as a deduction for the current year. The difference between the deduction claimed here and your contributions represents your unused RRSP contributions, which you will be able to claim in future years.
  12. Hello Ken Lyons, The auto fill data comes from the source issuer so you would need to verify with whomever issue the slip eg. Service Canada, banks, brokerage, employer. Regarding "entered manually then saved, they will not appear when page is reloaded" : Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us Wait times at this busy time of year may be longer than usual but we will reply to your query.
  13. Hello flash_os, Please see below. What should I enter in Limit to the CCA of this class? >>You must determine this. How should I fill these fields since I sold my property this year with siding on it. And I completed Capital Gain form for Real estate. >>It is added to the Average Cost Base (ACB) at time of sale. And what do you mean by: T776 – p3 Area A – ½ year rule applied ok >>The addition in the current year had the 1/2 year rule properly applied to the CCA schedule.
  14. Hello Kaleem, To report in 2021 : Go to Interview >> Losses of prior years, carrybacks >> 1B - Request to deduct federal COVID-19 benefits repayment in a prior year <New| >>Amount of federal COVID-19 benefits repayment to be deducted on your 2020 and/or 2021 return (cannot be more than the total federal COVID-19 benefits received). To be deducted on your 2021 return [$ Amount ]
  15. Hello sandiz, You can not carry forward from UFile ONLINE to UFIle Windows, you must enter the carry forward data manually.
  16. Hello criveirte, Please contact UFile Support so we may review the file confidentially. Please include the above notes. Attn Geo Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us
  17. Hello altarose, Please logout and log back in and try again.
  18. Hello SELLING YOUR PROPERTY (HOUSE OR RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX etc) If you sell your house or residential complex, you generally have to report a capital gain or loss on the sale. In general, half (50%) of a capital gain on the sale of your house is taxable. However, a capital loss is not deductible. For more information, see guide IN-120-V, Capital Gains and Losses. >>IF select building THEN NO CAPITAL LOSS Depreciable property When you dispose of depreciable property, you may have a capital gain. In addition, certain rules on capital cost allowance (CCA) may require that you add a recapture of CCA to your income or allow you to claim a terminal loss. Capital gain Usually, you will have a capital gain on depreciable property if you sell it for more than its adjusted cost base plus the outlays and expenses incurred to sell the property. Note A loss from the sale of depreciable property is not considered to be a capital loss. However, you may be able to claim a terminal loss. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/line-12700-capital-gains/completing-schedule-3/real-estate-depreciable-property-other-properties/depreciable-property.html
  19. Hello criveirte, Line 25300 – Net capital losses of other years - FYI RE : Line 25300 - Net capital losses of other years / Line 12700 - Capital gains. If you have both capital gains and capital losses, you can offset the capital gains with capital losses until you reach zero. If you only have capital losses, the CRA allows you to use the capital loss to offset a capital gain you originally declared in the previous 3 years (Loss carryback), or you are allowed to carry forward the capital loss into the future Capital Loss Carry Forward To enter prior year Capital losses please go to : >>Interview Set Up >> Carryforward amounts and prior year information >>Losses of prior years, carrybacks >>Select appropriate class eg. Stocks/Bonds = Net capital losses of other years >>Enter Capital loss Capital Losses will offset capital gains as follows : CRA : Line 25300 - Net capital losses of other years / Line 12700 - Capital gains. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-25300-net-capital-losses-other-years.html
  20. Hello Elvis, According to the CRA's new changes in 2022, the "Rent assist benefit received" is not eligible to be claimed for the province of Manitoba. The line "Total rent assist benefit received' has been removed in MB479 for 2022. Line 61250 was removed on October 31st, 2022 by CRA. There is no equivalent line on Sch 479 of Manitoba that replaced line 61250.
  21. Hello Frustrated User, For the authorization it’s better to do it before 900 or after 1900 ET as we are experiencing a very high volume at this time of year **Authorization – **do not click WAIT** If get “These pages aren’t responding” **do not click WAIT** - - - >Can take up to 5 minutes as it is running an encryption routine with various actions occurring. It also depends on the anti-virus / firewall, VPN, internet connection and network latency.
  22. Hello Okynnor, For a T1 Adj - to adjust capital gains use Taxable capital gains Line 12700 (13199 and 13200 are in Schedule 3, Capital Gains (or Losses) )
  23. Hello SEL, 1. Your CPP or QPP contributions exceed your pensionable earnings >>Check the T4/RL1 1 and verify the amounts in box 17 or 26. The amount in box 17 should not exceed the amount in box 26. Also check if you don’t have two T4’s and one RL 1 (some employers do this) 2. An RL-1 amount has been entered but the associated province of employment is not Quebec >> If you worked in Quebec in the current taxation year but resided in another province (e. g. in Ontario), you should have received two tax slips: a Federal T4 slip and a Quebec RL-1 slip. In order to enter the information found on these slips using the program, please follow these steps: 1. On the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab", click on the line "T4 and employment income" and, on the screen located on the right-hand side, first select "T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions" or ?T4 income earned in Quebec with CPP contributions? depending on your situation 2. Enter the information from the T4 and the RL-1 slip and, from the drop-down menu of Box 10, select the province of employment; 3. If you have an amount in Box J of the RL-1, ignore this amount as it is a taxable benefit that can be claimed as a medical expense in Quebec only, while for residents of other provinces/territories this amount cannot be claimed as a medical expense because the premium has been paid by the employer; 4. Return to the "Left-side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Ontario tax and credits" (or from any other province of residence as appropriate) and enter the required information, if applicable. By clicking on the "Reviews" tab, you'll notice on line 43700 of the federal return that the amount of total income tax deducted corresponds to the Box 22 of the T4 and Box E of the RL-1 slip. Furthermore, in the "Review" tab, you may see the following "Warning": "The pensionable earnings entered for a T4 exceed the amount of T4 income". Please ignore this warning. The program will generate the Form RC381 pertaining to the inter-provincial calculation of the CPP and QPP contributions and overpayments.
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