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How to apply full amount of graduate tax credit in Saskatchewan?

Derek B

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There are annual limits.

The GRP rebate is paid out over seven years, provided you file your taxes in Saskatchewan. Your rebate is applied to reduce the amount of Saskatchewan income tax you owe.

In each of the first four tax years, you receive 10 per cent of your maximum rebate. In each of the final three tax years, you receive 20 per cent of your maximum rebate.

If your rebate is more than what you owe, the unused benefit can be applied in a future tax year. You have up to 10 years after graduation to apply unused credits.


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If you are a graduate and want to know about possible tax credits or program in Saskatchewan, you should refer to the official website of the provincial government of Saskatchewan or contact your local tax office. Usually, you can find information on the provincial government website about the various tax credits and incentives available to graduates, as well as the conditions and requirements to apply for them. Speaking of alumni, I recently came across some free day party flyer https://www.elegantflyer.com/category/free-flyers/free-party-flyer-templates/ what do you think 

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Hellobaneenab85 ,

In UFIle Saskatchewan tax credits 
  >>Saskatchewan post-secondary graduate - unused amounts
  >>RC360 - Saskatchewan graduate retention program tuition rebate

 The Graduate Retention Program (GRP) rewards graduates living in Saskatchewan by providing a rebate up to $20,000. To be eligible, you have to live and file an income tax return in Saskatchewan.
Tuition Rebate Amount

Your rebate will be based on the tuition you paid. It is indicated on T2202A tax receipts issued by your post-secondary institution. Your maximum tuition rebate is based on your program.
Program     Tuition Rebate Maximum
1 year Certificate, Diploma or Journeyperson     $3,000
2 or 3 year Certificate or Diploma     $6,400
3 year Undergraduate Degree     $15,000
4 year Undergraduate Degree     $20,000


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