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medical expenses


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  • Click Interview setup
  • Scroll down to Common tax deductions
  • Check Medical expenses, disability, caregiver
  • On the left side menu Medical expenses, disability, caregiver will show up. Pick Medical expenses
  • If you have a 12 month year that doesn't end Dec. 31, 2021, also select Last date and fill it in.
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I have followed Curmudgeon's steps but still claim amounts that I entered are not showing up.   I was married in year but am only trying to process my tax information so have tried to turn off or override Maxback features.  Also tried to force medical claim by selecting it to claim on my return or to claim all family on mine.  Still nothing.  Should I put in a Net Fed Inc of Spouse as lower than mine?  this is first time without claiming with spouse. 

In essence, how can I then force my Medical expenses to be accepted by Ufile.  

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Ooops!  User error.  I submitted my input to Ufile Online via their online procedure along with the problem description and the next day they replied to say that my date ranges for the medical claims were invalid or out of range.  I.e. for the opening range I had entered 1921 instead of 2021.  

A big mistake but hard for me to spot as Ufile usually catches errors like this.  I suggested they consider updating their edit of this field but because it is a text-like field they may not be able to do that.  It might be better then, to isolate the ranges in a separate date range field and just leave the text for the claim description. 

A big thank you to Ufile for this new procedure of examining your input and then for spotting this. I had bought the premium phone package and don't know if that include this feature of submitting input or not.   Phew!  now I can file with about $3-$4K savings.    


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FYI, if you are using part of the previous year expenses, you must go in and enter the "last date of medical expenses"  see interview set up under medical expenses, otherwise it defaults to just the current tax years slips and doesn't include any slips dated in the previous year. You can claim 12 months of expenses as long as the last medical expense slip entered is ending in the tax year. Took me a while to find that answer, so thought others may be in the same sitituation.

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