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Autofill for CRA T5008 slips not working


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Message reads as "Unable to retrieve T5008 (Statement of Securities Transactions) tax slip information: the amount of data is too large."

UFile describes that autofill service can receive up to 500 slips, meanwhile I am attempting to upload around 120 slips.

It worked last year with much more data, almost lagging out the browser window, but still worked with around 400 slips at the time nonetheless.


My question is, is 500 slips not the limit or is a softcap enabled? Did something change from last year to prevent me from using the service this way?

Any help is appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello D E,

UFile's ability to absorb downloaded data is a function of computer memory (as well as internet speed and network latency) and the other data in your file.     Issues have also arisen when a T5008 contains a corrupted or bad record eg. T5008 with a NULL value where it should not be.
Of note, keep in mind that the broker is not obligated to divulge the actual Actual Cost Base (ACB) of your transactions to the CRA; therefore, although you may be able to import the data without data entry into UFile it does not necessarily mean that the data is accurate and complete.

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Maybe you can help me with this. My computer has 20GB available, Internet speed is 176 Mbps, latency is 9ms.

I've gone through all the slips and don't see anything missing. I can't speak to "the other data in your file" since that is a Ufile measurement that I don't have access to.

The fact that more info may have to be added once the slips are down loaded seems to have nothing to do with the problem.

Jonathon, in his post of Feb. 28, mentions that "UFile describes that autofill service can receive up to 500 slips". I am trying to download 58 slips.

What am I missing here?

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Well, guess what. Because I've been getting what appear to be obfuscating answers from UFile on my email queries, I tried Turbotax.

The T5008 slips downloaded without a hitch.

This appears to be more evidence that UFile has a problem that they believe is not urgent enough to fix or even acknowledge.

I hope I'm wrong about this but I can't wait around much longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Unable to retrieve T5008 (Statement of Securities Transactions) tax slip information: the amount of data is too large."

As I only have 110 T5008 slips. The statement below is very disappointing. 

I am professional software developer with over thirty years of experience and would say the statement below reeks of a problem with your code.  My internet connection is very fast, I have fairly current computer with 32GB of memory.   Also, it was stated above that in a post above that TurboTax was able to download the information after UFile failed on the same.


On 3/14/2023 at 4:52 PM, Geo123 said:

Hello D E,

UFile's ability to absorb downloaded data is a function of computer memory (as well as internet speed and network latency) and the other data in your file.     Issues have also arisen when a T5008 contains a corrupted or bad record eg. T5008 with a NULL value where it should not be.
Of note, keep in mind that the broker is not obligated to divulge the actual Actual Cost Base (ACB) of your transactions to the CRA; therefore, although you may be able to import the data without data entry into UFile it does not necessarily mean that the data is accurate and complete.


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Hello macbain,

Please be advised that for that purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips. This is due to the very heavy volume load, and the T5008 slips may be incomplete. Example: missing the ACB /cost/book value.Errors may also arise due to downloading of corrupted records, example, null entries.


Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient.Note that even if you download all the T5008 slips, only the total amount is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and if applicable Revenu Québec. The government agencies have already received copies of these slips and it is not necessary to itemize them in the software.Thank you for your understanding. 


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This is not acceptable. It worked last year and now you can't handle it? I heard Turbotax is working fine. to offer a manual workaround in a software product is so 1998.  Are you offering a rebate for this change in your product? Are you planning any further backwards changes?

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Hello Geo123,

I've checked the CRA entries my T5008 slips are complete.

In the past I've used the download as a check to ensure I've entered all required slips.  To be fair, this has been more important for T3's and T5's because in several cases I get paper copies only and in others I only find them on the CRA site.

I've been using UFile for about 10 years.  Given UFile's response to this situation.  I'm not so sure I will be doing so next year.

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I can understand that technical issues will arise with amy IT product. What I cannot understand or accept is a poor custormer service response. Ufile has a major failure on this point.

For the past month Ufile has refused to acknowledge that there is a problem. Geo123 has finally hinted that something is going on by saying "for purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips". I haven't yet seen a general warning message by Ufile.

I've been in contact with UFile by phone, email and through this forum. As far as I can tell the people answering questions appear to be selecting a canned response from a set of replies they have access to. The other approach is to blame the user for not knowing what they are doing, or for using slow internet or computers etc.

I've had it. Goodbye Ufile. 

Ex-customer of 10 years, DE

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Unacceptable - I have the same issue with 178 T5008 records which is consistent with previous years.  Autofill has worked fine for years up until now.  IFrom the moderator entries here it is apparent that this is a choice made by Ufile and not a technical issue.

I will not be using this product again if I have to do these entries manually this year.  Are there any updates or is there a way to request this soft cap be lifted?


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@Geo123your saying we just need to put in a single line with the total from the summary report.

"Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient."

Or we are supposed to just switch to TurboTax because ufile doesnt want to load more than 50 returns?  It only takes a small amount of time, saying the servers are under load to process rows of data in a table is not a 2023 problem online software tool should have.

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  • 10 months later...

T5008 download not working.

UFile's "answer" to this question is unacceptable. Blaming hardware, memory, connection speed for the problem is ridiculous. If there is no published resolution to this issue, I will be joining the others migrating to another tax solution provider next year. I have 109 T5008 slips, what software in this day and age can't deal with that? Answer: UFile. 

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Hello wpointner,

Please be advised that for that purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips. This is due to the very heavy volume load, and the T5008 slips may be incomplete. Example: missing the ACB /cost/book value.Errors may also arise due to downloading of corrupted records, example, null entries.

Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient.Note that even if you download all the T5008 slips, only the total amount is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and if applicable Revenu Québec. The government agencies have already received copies of these slips and it is not necessary to itemize them in the software.

The brokerage or investment dealer should be able to provide a consolidated statement of activity for the year, with totals.

Thank you for your understanding. 

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This has been a problem for me last year and again this year, irregardless of the number of T5's it fails to download which as per the answer above isn't a big deal with Canadian transactions but it's a pain with US or foreign T5's.  It appears some of that information populated, it's a mess.  Likely have to start again unfortunately.  I'l likely switch to Turbotax next year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have around 150 T5008 Slips and got the same error, also one of the T3 forms did not download. Looks like once you get the error, the downloaded set is not reliable any more.

I went further and entered 100 T5008 manually, the software will not allow me to add any more T5008 forms, so  it looks like it is a software issue in the number of T5008 it can handle, not an issue with computer and network as they claim.

I have been using UFile for more than 10 years but if this is not resolved for 2023 version, it will be the last time I waste my money

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Hello Rabso,

Please be advised that for that purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips. This is due to the very heavy volume load, and the T5008 slips may be incomplete. Example: missing the ACB /cost/book value.Errors may also arise due to downloading of corrupted records, example, null entries.

Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient.Note that even if you download all the T5008 slips, only the total amount is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and if applicable Revenu Québec. The government agencies have already received copies of these slips and it is not necessary to itemize them in the software.

The brokerage or investment dealer should be able to provide a consolidated statement of activity for the year, with totals.

Thank you for your understanding. 

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Thanks for your reply, but what you described is a workaround not a solution, in addition that does not explain the reason for the missing other forms like the T3 that was not downloaded in my case when the error happened.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Day,

Re: T5008

Will there be a software update for the next tax year 2024? Please try to get the number of T5008 slips that we can download on NOA with the CRA increased.

Reading past comments this has not occurred for this year. It is vital to all concerned.

Thank you,

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Hello Playtime,

Thank you for your suggestion. We will submit this to our development team for review.  The development team will decide if a suggestion is implemented for a future release.  The development team is continuously evaluating client feedback to improve the UFile experience.
We appreciate comments and feedback from our clients.
Thank  you for being a loyal UFile customer.


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Hello Charlene Fang,

This is correct.

Please be advised that for that purposes of downloading your T5008 slips for this tax season we have implemented a maximum download of 50 - 55 T5008 slips. This is due to the very heavy volume load, and the T5008 slips may be incomplete. Example: missing the ACB /cost/book value. Errors may also arise due to downloading of corrupted records, example, null entries.

Our recommendation is to enter only one entry manually from your recap report or the Capital gains realized report you receive from your broker.Please note that it is not necessary to download all your T5008 slips. One manual entry of the total amount showing the Proceeds of disposition and the cost / book value is sufficient.Note that even if you download all the T5008 slips, only the total amount is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and if applicable Revenu Québec. The government agencies have already received copies of these slips and it is not necessary to itemize them in the software.

The brokerage or investment dealer should be able to provide a consolidated statement of activity for the year, with totals.

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  • 2 weeks later...




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If message is :    [] [] [] [] [] []Keeps loading 

>>Keeps loading >> must click Next in CRA window




If you cannot autofill, there are many issues you have to verify before:


*If you have the message “loading…”on the UFILE screen, have you clicked “Next” on the secondary screen that opens from the CRA – may be hidden behind your active screen.

*Make sure your password and access is up to date with the CRA website.

*Make sure no anti-virus or firewall is preventing download.

*Temporarily disable your VPN (if you have one).

*Make sure your TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are checked in the security settings of the Control Panel.

OR the CRA Servers are overloaded. Try again at off peak hours.


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