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Miscalculation of unused tuition


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I had some tuition deductible ( $43956)when I was studying. 
After my calculation, when I changed the total unused tuition amount to $28000 (FIG.1 and 2), I was able to cover all my income tax.

But when I input the right unused tuition amount ( $43956), the ufile automatically deducted $31,146 (FIG.3) from me for tax deductions.

Even if I transfer the medical expenses to my name, the ufile-used tuition deduction is still $31,146 (FIG.4).

It means at least my $3000 tuition tax credit was wasted. Please be nice to let me know how to solve the problem.



















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Hard to follow what you are saying. For instance, FIG4 show $26k+ not $31k+ for tuition, and with taxable income of $52k+, $7.8k of tax credits won't yield zero taxable income. Keep in mind what is important is the total tax owed between you and your spouse. Compare the total tax bill letting Ufile have its way compared to your modifications.

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On 4/20/2023 at 3:23 PM, Curmudgeon said:

Hard to follow what you are saying. For instance, FIG4 show $26k+ not $31k+ for tuition, and with taxable income of $52k+, $7.8k of tax credits won't yield zero taxable income. Keep in mind what is important is the total tax owed between you and your spouse. Compare the total tax bill letting Ufile have its way compared to your modifications.

I tried to input my unused tuition amount to $28000 (FIG.1 and 2),  ufile will use my full tuition credit ( $28000), my wife and I can get about $2687.7tax refund.

If I input my unused tuition amount to $43956, ufile will use $31,146 ($28000) of my full tuition credit ($43956), my wife and I CAN ALSO GET the same tax redund ($2687.7).

I dont understand why I need use  $3000 more.

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