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I paid for Ufile in Dec/20, now it asks me to pay again.


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Can't seem to connect to anyone on the phone, busy all the time. 

Support through e-mail is non existent. Simple question:

I've paid for ufile in Dec/20, but it wants me to pay again. 

Order ID: 90df713b-f843-4820-bf70-c96b5a3b81e2
Date & time: 2020-12-27 10:08:09 EST
Reference number: 661237050017081800
Credit card authorization number: 04307E
Response/ISO code: 027/01



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On 2/26/2021 at 10:19 AM, Nawal said:

Yes you will be able to print on step 4 "Tax return" .

On Step Four of the tax form where I review everything, UFile asks me if "I'm ready to pay."

The button at the bottom tells to BUY NOW. I can't review my forms unless I buy now. What do I do now.

David Barron

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This also happened to me. I paid for UFile in Dec. of 2020, after that, the opening screen after signing in confirmed I had paid. But just within the past two weeks the launch screen started saying Pay Now! Meanwhile, I’m basically finished my return, except for an investment statement or two. I’ll be ready to file soon, but will the online program allow me to file if it “thinks” I haven’t paid for my access? Am I only allowed one return, and not my spouses as well? We file as a couple every year.

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Same for me.  I was able to finish the interview questions for both my wife and I but get stuck sometimes on the Tax Return or Netfile section.  Eventually I was able to file electronically but keep getting prompted to pay again when I try and see my wife's returns or try to file them.  I tried both the Chrome browser and MS Edge.

Definitely a system bug somewhere.  Maybe an issue with those that pre-pay?  

Tried submitting a request for help online but so far no answer.  Been a few days now of trying.

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  • 11 months later...

I am having the same issue, I purchased  UFILE for 2021, paid  19.99 plus tax . UFILE  clearly  has not done anything to correct this  issue since last year.  I completed my return and almost completed my daughters, haven't even started with my son as yet, when I am being prompted to pay again. Clearly I have paid, otherwise I would not have been able to launch the program to begin the filing. I was lucky to get someone on the phone who said the $19.99 is for the online version, then they requested and I purchased the Windows version, AND I need to pay another $7.00. So Ufile, has 2 versions, an online version and Windows version, however, they do not make this clear on their main page which version your are purchasing, until you run into issues, like I am having.... surprise surprise.  SCAM.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The same thing happened to me with the online version. I got through on the phone and was told the online version is for head of household only. I ended up paying $35 for 2 returns when I could have gone to the store for the disk and paid $22.99 + tax that gives you 4 returns. WTF?  I’m sure when I did the online version 2 years ago I never paid twice, I would remember that. After many years using ufile I’m switching next year for sure!




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  • 1 year later...

Hello shaminadhanani,

An "Activation Code" is for UFIle Windows (installed on the local pc), UFIle ONLINE uses a password which you pay for when ready to file.  We do not send you a code.  Please contact UFile to clarify what it is you purchased. 

Please contact UFile Support so we may review confidentially.
Please open a request ticket and submit an anonymous file for review on-line at https://www.ufile.ca/contact/contact-us

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